27-D1 District Governor
Ron Wright
Fellow Lions,
The month of March not only means the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it also means several things for us as Lions.
It is the month that our district holds its annual convention. This year the convention is at the Madison Marriott West. The convention runs Friday and Saturday March 28th and 29th. I know the committee has been working very hard to plan the best convention experience possible for everyone.
Our theme this year is “Tee It Up with Service”. To kick off the convention on Saturday morning we have a fantastic keynote speaker from the First Tee of Southern Wisconsin. The mission statement of the First Tee is: “to impact the lives of young people and their families by providing educational programs for youth that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf”. The First Tee goes hand in hand with Lions as serving youth is something that all our clubs do!
We will also have several great seminars, we will hear from International Director John Lawrence, we will elect a new District Governor and of course we will have some fun! We will have great food, a DJ on Friday night, raffles all day Saturday and circus type entertainment on Saturday night!
Please go to our Convention website: 27d1convention.org for the full schedule of events and to sign up.
March also means that it is time for our clubs to elect officers for the upcoming Lions year.
Leadership is very important for keeping our clubs strong and active. I encourage you to step up and take a leadership role in your club. I know what you are thinking, I have never been a Lion Tamer or a Club Secretary or a President before, do not worry, we are here to help you. In fact, our GAT team is in the process of planning officer training right now. The full schedule will be out shortly.
March also means our District wide day of service is only a few weeks away. I am asking every club to join with me and our district leaders on April 26 th in doing a service project that day. You can do any project your club decides on. It can be something for the environment or vision related. It can be a food drive, a cancer walk, or highway clean up. It could be diabetes related, or it could focus on the youth in your community. The goal is to have all our clubs doing something on the same day and helping to promote Lions and all the great things that we do.
I will end this article as I have done in the past by thanking each and every one of you for all that you do to serve your communities and to help others.
Yours in Lionism,
DG Ron