The first in the No Lion Left Behind series focused on serving safely. The session generated some great discussions and an introduction to a District-wide food drive project (a number of resources are linked below.
Now it's time to talk about how to to safely raise funds during the pandemic.
Please join the District 27-D1 Global Action Team on Jan. 20 as we lead a conversation about how your club can start fundraising safely again.
Wednesday, January 20th 7 - 8 pm
Register now: https://causetheworld.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sceCurTgtGNC39kRqDVKnE8a-SSoF_fB7
Other Resources
No Lion Left Behind Service Breakout (PDF)
Food Drive Blueprint (PDF)
No Lion Left Behind Service (YouTube)
100 Acts of Kindness (PDF)
Ronald McDonald Pull Tab Project (PDF)