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District Governor Ron Wright 27-D1 District Governor
Ron Wright


Greetings my fellow Lions,

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Ron Wright and I have the honor of being your District Governor for the 2024-2025 Lions year.

My theme for this year is "Tee It Up With Service".

As I travel the district and meet with our clubs I see how involved you all are with various service projects. Service to our communities is why we all joined Lions in the first place and I encourage you all to continue your service and to look for new opportunities to serve your communities.

Hunger is one of the primary focuses in Lions and it will be my focus for the first half of this year.

Our first cabinet meeting is on August 4, 2024 at the Sun Prairie Lions Club house located at 7080 Elder Lane Sun Prairie WI 53590. Everyone is invited to attend. Meeting will begin at 11:00. We will be collecting canned goods for the local food pantry.

Recently I addended the Lions International Convention held in Melbourne, Australia. It was a wonderful time filled with training, seminars, motivational speakers and many other fantastic opportunities to learn from our International leaders and other Lions from around the world.

Our new International President is Fabricio Oliveria from Brazil. His theme this year is "Make Your Mark". As Lion President Oliveria said: "Everywhere we serve, every time we give, we bring kindness and compassion, change and hope. And we make our mark on the lives we touch, the communities we serve and the world we share."

I encourage all of you to "Make Your Mark"and to "Tee It Up With Service" by having a great year serving others.

I can be reached at: lionronwright27d1@gmail.com or you can call me at 608-209-3949.

Yours in Lionism,
Lion Ron Wright
District Governor MD27-D1 2024-25

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2024-2025 Children's Vision Screenings Report.

Restoring Hope Video.