27-D1 District Governor
Ron Wright
Fellow Lions,
The GAT team, along with our Vice District Governors and myself have been busy reviewing the goals that were set for this year. I am happy to report that we are well on our way to attaining several of these goals but there is still much work to do.
We have a goal of starting a new club and I can tell you that we have been working on that very diligently. SVDG Tony has done a great job in leading our growth team and we are in the process of starting a new club, the Madison Area Environmental Lions Club, that will focus on the Environment. We also have several other specialty type clubs that we are considering and will be moving forward with in the second half of this year.
Membership growth is a key goal for 2024-2025. Our goal is to have a positive net increase of five new members in our district. Currently we are at a negative number and thus we need to continue to work on recruiting new members as well as retaining the members we have.
Leadership training is a critical goal for our district. We need to have trained leaders in order to support our clubs. My goal was to have 70% of our zone chairs attend training this year and I am very happy to report that we had 83% of our zone chairs trained! Congratulations to all the Zone chairs!
My goal of starting a district wide day of service is being well received throughout the district. The district wide day of service will be Saturday April 26, 2025. I encourage every club to plan a service project for that day. Watch for updates in your email.
Peace Poster goal. Last year we had seven clubs submit Peace Posters. This year we increased that number to eleven clubs submitting Peace Posters! While my goal was twelve, I am still very happy with the increase in club participation and I hope we can continue the trend next year and beyond.
Increased service reporting is another of our goals. Please continue to report your service in the Lions Portal. Service reporting is vital in our plans. It shows how much you do for your community and helps us show the world how great Lions are! If you are having difficulties reporting your service please do not hesitate to contact me and I happy to help.
LCIF donations. Our goal is to increase the number of clubs in our district who donate to LCIF. I am happy to report that we have a few new clubs donate this year but we still have work to do. Please consider making a donation to LCIF so that we can continue to help people in the US and around the world.
Lastly, one of my other goals is to increase the number of Lions who attend our district convention. The convention this year is on March 28th and 29th at the Marriott Hotel in Middleton. Please go to our convention website, www.27d1convention.org to register and for more information. Our theme this year is “Tee It Up with Service”. We will have lots of seminars, service projects and tons of fun. So please mark your calendar and plan to attend!
Thanks for all you do and keep up the GREAT work!
DG Ron
Yours in Lionism,
DG Ron Wright