We Serve

District 27-D1 Cabinet

District Cabinet Meeting - July 20, 2008

The meeting started with lively singing, the Pledge of Allegiance, and an invocation by Reverend Frye, all during the dispensation of lunch served by the Albany Lions. During lunch, two warrants were served by TailTwister Dennis Gullickson; one for taking the "s" out of Illinois - Sam Powell, and one for never seeing a pig he didn't want to roast - Walt Althaus. Both offenders were obliged to go before the bench of Multiple District Court Judge Tom Clausen and pay a $250 fine.

The meeting was reconvened with roll call - an attendance sheet was passed around at 12:46pm. PDG Rob Sherman was called upon to induct the 2008-2009 Cabinet members. Roland Manthe was inducted as the IPDG, and was presented a plaque for his distinguished service. DG John Jenson (having already been inducted in Thailand) was presented with the #1 Governor of Wisconsin pin, and his partner in service Alice Jenson was presented with the #1 First Lady of Wisconsin. Richard Daluge was inducted as the VDG, including the #1 Vice District Governor pin. Scott Grover was inducted as Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer. The Zone chairs were inducted, then the Region chairs. All of the Committee Chairs were then inducted, and instructed to pick up their chair pins.

PDG Sherman took the opportunity to present a plaque to former Secretary/Treasurer Dick Schwedrsky, since he had not done so earlier.

DG Jenson indicated that he would entertain a motion for the approval of the March 29 minutes, and Jim Guy so moved (Bill Tefft seconded). The motion was approved with no discussion.

DG Jenson then took a moment to explain his goals for the coming year. He wants to "Celebrate Service", telling clubs and members that they are the most important part of Lionism. He charged us with having a little fun, a little humor, and a little honor. He will increase membership, including a new Platteville campus club, and he will visit clubs to help them understand district projects.

DG Jenson then turned to the financial report as presented, referring to the financial report showing prior year actuals. Roger Babcock moved (Rob Sherman seconded) accepting the report, and the motion was approved with little discussion.

VDG Daluge explained the audit of the previous year, saying that a select committee looked at the two checking accounts, administration and activities, which were both balanced. The district convention fund has not been closed out yet, as not all receivables and payments are in. Ken Hamilton moved (Walt Althaus seconded) approval of the audit, and the motion was approved.

DG Jenson gave a brief explanation of various budget items, noting that some items were increased from the previous year. It should be noted that committee expenses will be covered under Miscellaneous Committee. Rick Daluge moved (Dick Schwedrsky seconded) to adopt the budget as amended, and the motion was approved. Gordy Brandt moved (Dwight Eggers seconded) to amend the budget to include $600 in both revenues and expenses for pins, and the motion was approved. DG Jenson indicated that he does not like to engage in deficit funding, but noted that the funds were available for use. Responding to a question from Glenn Hauge, Jenson noted that cash balances should not be part of a budget.

Arlen Milestone presented the report of the Long Range Planning Committee. The recommendations of the Committee were approved on a motion by Bill Tefft (Dale Boness seconded), and the motion was approved. Committee reports will be presented, not read, and should be available electronically (reports will be available electronically prior to the meeting if submitted to the Cabinet Secretary a week before the meeting). This will be implemented at the next meeting. Milestone gave thanks to all who worked on this.

"Doc" Esser gave a brief CARE report. Roger Babcock presented the Lions Eye Bank report, noting that they were about to move to the new building in August, inviting us all to the annual meeting on July 31, and promoting the upcoming golf outing on August 25. He then indicated that he and his wife have decided to move to Florida In October. He received a moving round of applause for his service to the Lions of Wisconsin. Rob Sherman presented the newspaper report, noting that they were looking for a District Editor. He also mentioned the leadership training program and the district convention. Glen Springs presented the Mission to Mexico report. Julie Baglama reported for the Lioness Affiliates. Rick Daluge (Steve Schafer seconded) moved that the District recognize fund solicitation for CARE, Hearing, Mission to Mexico, and Youth Exchange. The motion was approved.

Rob Sherman moved (Rick Daluge seconded) the creation of an Emergency Activities Fund. The starting balance in that fund would be the excess of that donated for the equipment of the two visually impaired students last year. A question was raised if the clubs (and individuals) who donated should be polled for their opinion. After some discussion, the motion was approved.

Dale Boness noted that Diabetes was not one of the favored committees for funds solicitation, and accordingly encouraged all clubs to donate accordingly.

Rick Daluge moved (Rob Perkins second) that the District treat campus clubs as does International, assessing members one-half the normal dues. The motion was approved.

Walt Althaus, for the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, told us of the Birch-Sturm Golf Outing, and reported that on June 28, the motorcycle club presented a check in excess of $33,500. He commented on the Health Lodge donation plaque and the Sports Raffle. He then moved (Roger Babcock seconded) that the District buy a case of candy for distribution at the State Fair, cost to be $120. The motion was approved. He indicated that volunteers to help distribute that candy were welcome.

TailTwister Dennis Gullickson announced the winners of the meeting's raffle - Tammy Rockenbach and Val Roberts. The raffle, along with various fines, generated $100 for the District coffer. He mentioned that McFarland will also be participating in the Peace Poster.

Noting that the District must approve floats, bands, and marching units for the International Convention, Jim Guy moved (John Elverkrop seconded) to send the Cottage Grove Whistlers, and the motion was approved. He also mentioned Youth Exchange Day, Wednesday, July 23, and the fact that the Lions curling bonspiel (sponsored by Cottage Grove, held at the Madison Curling Club, located in McFarland) would occur on the second weekend in January. He also requested that we look for companies interested in sponsoring the Lions Eye Bank Golf Outing in August.

Reverend Frye reported that he has purchased and donated a candle-lighter for district use. The candle-lighter was entrusted to Rollie Manthe. Rev. Frye indicated that it would be nice if someone could make candelabra to be used with the candle-lighter.

Rick Daluge noted that he would be ordering calendars for Cabinet use.

Various club announcements were made. The 62nd District Governor's Golf Outing in Stoughton will be on August 12, with proceeds going to WLF. Sun Prairie will have a Lions Stock Car race at 151 Speedway on August 3, and their Blues Festival will be on September 6. Albany has their steak fry on August 2. Middleton hosts an event at the Capitol Brewery on July 25. Platteville does their Duck Derby the first weekend in September. The Cuba City calendar raffle will start on October 11, with 52 drawings through December 1, $26 per ticket. Waunakee presents WauaFest on July 25, 26, and 27.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:47pm

Respectfully submitted,
Scott Grover
District Secretary/Treasurer

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