District Cabinet Meeting - August 02, 2009
The meeting was called to order by DG Rick Daluge at Noon. 2nd VDG Neil Winchell led the cabinet in the Pledge of Allegiance. PDG Reverend Frye then led the group in song, followed by the invocation before lunch.
During lunch an attendance sheet was passed around. Also passed for any corrections, was a copy of the District Directory. Indicated changes will be made on the website.
After lunch, DG Daluge asked for individual introductions. During the introductions Rick recognized Jack Walsh for his many years as Pin Chair, a position assumed by PDG Jerry Sherwin. Also recognized were the 40 years of Lionism by Reverend Frye. After introductions were complete, DG Daluge asked for a moment of silence for PDG Dale Doering of the Stoughton club, who passed away just recently.
DG Daluge thanked the Albany Lions Club for hosting the meeting and serving an excellent lunch.
DG Daluge introduced PID Phil Ingwell to install the members of the cabinet, including the Secretary-Treasurer, 1st and 2nd Vice District Governors, Zone Chairs, and Committee Chairs. Appropriate pins were distributed to the incoming cabinet members.
DG Daluge presented IPDG John Jensen with the Knights of Sight Fellowship from the Eye Bank for his efforts on their behalf. Next, Rick recognized John with a plaque for the completion of his term as both District Governor and Council Treasurer. Finally, Rick presented District Lioness President, Julie Baglama with the Lions Eye Bank Gift of Sight Award.
DG Daluge then outlined his goals for the next year within the "Keep a Good Thing Growing" theme of the International President. Rick outlined six goals: (1) leadership development, (2) grow membership by 2 new members per club, 1 new club and 1 new branch club, (3) improve our public relations effort, (4) add 1 new Leo club, (5) increase the proportion of women as members above the current 20%, and (6) increase our communications, especially through the internet. Rick summarized by saying he is looking forward to a good year.
The minutes of the March 13th Cabinet Meeting were approved upon a motion by PDG Walt Althaus and second by VDG Neil Winchell. The minutes of the District Meeting on March 14th were approved on a motion by Dick Leverenz and second by Jerry Sherwin.
VDG Gene Francis presented the Audit Report. The Audit Report was approved after little discussion upon a motion by Larry Pickel and second by Steve Schaefer.
The Treasurers Report showing the final accounting for last fiscal year was presented by Al Schultz. Upon a motion by Ed O'Brien and second by Jim Guy, the treasurer's report was approved.
DG Daluge introduced the 2009-2010 budget. Income is reduced due to decreased membership. Rick noted that the budget is once again a deficit budget, but the District has reserves to cover the deficit. PDG Brandt questioned the disparity between the income and expense associated with state dues (DG Daluge will correct); Gordy Brandt also questioned whether cabinet members should pay for their own meals at cabinet meetings to help balance the budget; the question of increasing dues was raised and DG Daluge offered that district dues were last increased when International dues changed 4 years ago; he expects that in another 3 years the International dues may increase again and district dues could follow at that time; Bob Faliveno asked about savings from the on-line directory but it was offered that those savings occur at the state level not the district; Phil Ingwell inquired of DG and VDG expenses. Upon a motion by Jim Guy and second by Walt Althaus the budget was approved with minor corrections.
John Jensen took the opportunity to present DG Daluge and Lion Peggy with the #1 Governor and #1 Spouse pins respectively before reporting on the International Convention in Minneapolis. He reported that 4,000 delegates were certified; Cottage Grove received 2nd place for their float; Colin Powell was impressive as the keynote speaker.
Val Roberts gave an update on the USA/Canada Forum. The 2009 Forum will be held in Memphis on 9/24-9/26. Bus trip is available. 2010 Forum will be in Milwaukee. You can pre-register in Memphis at reduced price for 2010.
In her Affiliate report, Julie Baglama reported Lioness membership of 401 in 13 clubs. The Affiliate District Cabinet is working to get more leadership development in Lioness to ultimately get stronger leadership at the district level.
"Doc" Esser gave the Care report. This is the 31st year for Dr. Gill in the Philippines; he did a record 1,339 cataract surgeries this year to bring total since starting the program at over 26,000. Four clubs have made arrangements for Dr. Gill to speak.
PDG Rollie Manthe is acting as the ambassador of goodwill for LCIF awareness. He is available for programs. Rollie also announced that the Marriott was chosen for the District Convention in 2011 (3/11-3/12) over Ho Chunk do to cost savings. The committee negotiated a room rate of $92/night and cutoff for rooms only about 10 days before the event.
Dale Boness reported that the Diabetes Committee met at the camp on 7/29 They have a new DVD from the National Kidney Foundation bringing DVD total to 3. The committee is supporting family diabetes camp at Rosholt with money and volunteers.
PDG Mike Tiber was not present to give the Eye Bank report, but DG Daluge read portions of his written report. The Eye Bank is looking for a buildings and grounds person. The Eye Bank Golf Outing is 8/24. A State Journal reporter is expected to do story at the Eye Bank in the next week. Phil Ingwell reported for PID Peter Cerniglia that efforts are underway to raise $1.3 million to retire the Eye Bank mortgage.
Walt Althaus reported that approximately 1,450 kids will go to Lions Camp this year. Donations are down dramatically but budget is balanced. The district went from 7 to 25 clubs that did not donate last year (worst district in state). Cash for Kids raffle and Birch-Sturm golf outing were successful. There is good support (~$24,000 this year) from motorcycle clubs raising cumulative total over $250,000. Open house is 9/19 and workday is 10/24. Walt hopes to make all the zone meetings this year.
Steve Knapp reported on the Lions Pride campaign. 2008 donations are up about 50% over 2007. The present fund level at about $5 million. District D1 ranks 3rd of 10 districts in donations (both club and individual); 29 clubs have donated. Pride Shoot was success. Kevin McPherson (Madison West) is helping make contact with current campership families; exploring a plan to get 35-40 campers and counselors from Madison area to help carry the message. Committee is looking at offering free 1 hr estate planning/legacy giving seminar, courtesy of M & I Bank.
DG Daluge made a few announcements. Directory is now online; if you want a printed copy contact the state office and they will sell you one at $5 for district and $10 for entire state. Zone 1 meeting will be in Janesville instead of Beloit; in Region 1-Zone 1 Greg Heinen will step down to be replaced by Junann Heinen. Rick thanked Scott Grover for his service as cabinet secretary-treasurer.
Charles Miehe reported on Children's Screening. There are 2 upcoming training sessions on August 15th and 19th. Jerry Sherwin inquired about film for old cameras and their worth. Charles explained that with occasional maintenance the cameras have a long life and film is readily available.
The District Hearing Committee was represented by Daryl Porter. They currently have about twice as many applications and approvals (4 applications in July alone) as last year. They are asking $4 per member to build fund. Continue collecting used hearing aids!
Rob Sherman reported on the Emerging Lions Institute (October 22-25th in St. Point); seeking candidates (2-4 from our district) with less than 8 years in Lionism. There is no cost other than the transportation.
Jodi Burmester reported on Public Relations. Lions International has a matching grant program up to $1,750 maximum. Jodi is proposing a radio advertising campaign on two radio stations in Madison market (WTDY and Q106). Steve Knapp moved that the District use $1,750 from the state convention reserve fund and seek matching funds to do the project. After considerable discussion the question was called and the motion carried.
Ben August reported on Youth Exchange. The state welcomed 50 kids from 20 countries. The district sent 5 kids and hosted 5 kids. Participants are willing to share their experiences at club meetings. Consider hosting next year!
Regarding the Nominating Committee, Jerry Sherwin announced that Gene Francis will run for District Governor next year and Neil Winchell will run for 1st Vice District Governor; looking for a candidate to seek 2nd Vice District Governor. Regarding WLF directors - Sam Powell is in 2nd year of 3 and Walt Althaus will seek a second term. Candidates can also compete for zone chair.
Various announcements were made. Hazel Green has a Steak Fry on 9/12 and a raffle; thanks to those that participated in last night's Albany Steak Fry; Mineral Point has a continuing raffle every month; Cuba City has golf outing on 8/11 plus raffle tickets; Platteville has a raffle; 35th anniversary for Cottage Grove is Oct. 3rd; Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival is 8/20-8/23 and Blues Fest is 9/12; DG Golf Outing is hosted by Stoughton on 8/11; Wis Dells Lions will be helping in the beer tent at Wo-Zha-Wa Days on 9/18-20 in the Dells; Brodhead has Covered Bridge Days next weekend; Monticello Lions will be at the Green County Tractor Pull; Madison Central is hosting the Eye Bank Golf Outing on 8/24; Peggy Daluge asked for e-mails to pr@md27d1.org with activity announcements.
The Tail Twister, Dennis Gullickson, raffled off a few cash prizes and contributed $100 to the district treasury. He also encouraged each zone chair to talk about the Peace Poster at all zone meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Schultz
District Secretary/Treasurer
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Agenda (Tentative)
Attendance Sheet
Year End Administration Report
Year End Activities Report
Affiliate District Lioness Report
CARE Report
Diabetes Committee Report
Hearing Aid Committee Report
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Report
Pride Report
Region 1 Zone 3 Report
Region 2 Zone 2 Report
Region 3 Zone 2 Report
Region 3 Zone 4 Report
USA Canada Forum Report
WLF Report (html)
Women in Lions Report
Youth Exchange Report