We Serve

District 27-D1 Cabinet

District Cabinet Meeting - January 24, 2009

The meeting at Dodger Bowl in Dodgeville was called to order by DG Rick Daluge at Noon. 1st VDG Gene Francis led the Pledge of Allegiance. PDG Reverend Frye then led the group in song, followed by the invocation - including a special prayer for PDG Dwight Eggers and also the people of Haiti. A get-well card for Dwight and the attendance sheet were passed during lunch. The meeting reconvened after lunch at 12:50 p.m.

DG Daluge congratulated 2nd VDG Neil Winchell on his selection at the Senior Leadership Institute in Oakbrook as 1 of 100 to attend the Lions Faculty Training in Salt Lake City.

Lion Bob Faliveno reported for LEHP. District C2 is doing a glaucoma screening using the Humphrey FDT device. District C2 has one machine and two more on order. Bob is investigating the machine they use. Representatives of C2 will come to the District Convention to demonstrate, with expenses paid out of the LEHP activity account. Bob is looking at either the Mt Horeb club or possibly the District as potentially owning the machine. The machine costs $4,740. Wisconsin Prevents Blindness does the training.

DG Daluge reported that the State Office will be moved to the Lions Camp at Rosholt in October, saving about $4-5,000 annually. There will be a resolution at the State Convention to return to local clubs or districts running the state convention after the three that are already scheduled. There is also a question about the need for a state convention (Texas does not have a state convention)? There is no final banquet at the state convention this year. Rick reported that about half of the club visits are completed and all but one club are scheduled. He led a chorus of "Happy Birthday" for Lions Dennis Gullickson, Jean Francis, and Sam Powell.

In the absence of Convention Chair, PDG Jensen, Rick reported that the District Convention planning is going well; he encouraged clubs to get their registrations in. Upon request of past Cabinet Secretary Lion Grover, PDG Glenn Hauge moved to destroy last year's ballots. Motion carried. The District Cabinet will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Friday at District Convention. Final planning meetings for the convention are scheduled for February 24th and March 9th.

PDG Jerry Sherwin reported that candidates: Lion Gene Francis for District Governor, Lion Neil Winchell for 1st Vice District Governor, Lion Daryl Porter for 2nd Vice District Governor, and PDG Walt Althaus for WLF Director all meet the requirements to hold the respective offices. There names will be placed on the 2010 27-D1 Convention Election Ballot. PDG Gordy Brandt moved to close nominations. The motion was seconded by Lion Dick Leverentz and passed. DG Daluge reported that so far there have been no offers to sponsor the District Bowling next year.

PDG Jerry Sherwin reported that our pin inventory is reduced by 100 pins, but the district still has a substantial inventory of old pins. New 2010 pins will be available at the District Convention. Jerry was asked to bring a recommendation to the March Cabinet Meeting, regarding the possibility of discounting the price to move the old inventory.

Lion Doc Esser reported that a $12,000 check for Dr. Gill has been presented. There has been recent press coverage on his work and the Lion's involvement.

Lion Dave Hineline reported that there have been a couple of training sessions for vision screening. There is a new screener for 3-5 year-olds (PediaVission Screener) approved by Prevent Blindness America that has more functionality and provides a printed copy of the results. The unit costs $9,300 for service organizations.

DG Daluge reported that the recent state PR efforts in January are financed by the $20,000 MD27, "Lions in Sight" grant from LCIF. The second round of activity at the District level will run in March and will be financed by the 27-D1 matching district grant of $1,750 from LCIF ($3,500 total commitment).

PDG Arlen Milestone reported that the Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommend wording changes removing reference to Region Chair and substitute Vice District Governor in two places in the District Policy Manual (Pin Trading Committee and Peace Poster Committee). Upon motion by PDG Rob Sherman and second by PDG Mike Tiber the changes were approved.

Lion Dave Peltier reported that the Diabetes Committee has a speaker for the District Convention; DVD pertaining to the association of diabetes and kidney disease is available for clubs and communities; striving to participate in the LCI parade at the Seattle Convention with a diabetes related float. The American Diabetes Association and Lions Camp are looking for new cooperative projects.

Lion Ben August reported that two clubs, DeForest and Token Creek, are hosting the District Bowling, February 13-14 at Rudes Lanes in DeForest.

Lion August also reported that the Lions Youth Exchange Committee has reviewed and accepted 6 applications for our District Youth Exchange Scholarship. Estimated budgetary cost this year will be $7,500.

Lion John Thiesenhusen reported that two clubs submitted photos for the Environmental Photo Contest. Results will be available at the District Convention.

2nd VDG Neil Winchell reported on activities relating to Extension. Efforts are being made in Friesland and Rio; Neil is also still working on Gratiot and Blanchardville. There will be an Extension workshop on March 16th at the Eye Bank.

PDG John Schwab, MD27 MERLO Chair, reported on the status of state membership and encouraged everyone to keep concentrating on membership and especially do exit interviews to improve retention.

The minutes of the October 11th Cabinet Meeting were approved upon motion by VDG Neil Winchell and second by Lion Dick Leverentz.

Lion Al Schultz presented the Treasurer's Report showing a 1/15/10 balance of $33,661.01 in the Administrative Account and $54,723.30 in the Activities Account. Complete copies of both accounts were provided. Upon motion by Lion Steve Schaefer and second by Lion Larry Pickel, the Treasurer's Report was approved.

PDG Mike Tiber gave the Eye Bank report. Improvements to the building are underway. A back-up generator has been installed. Slightly less than $100,000 has been pledged to the capital campaign so far. Tissue donations are down this year; we need to promote cornea donations. A DVD on the Eye Bank is available for clubs.

PDG Rollie Manthe reported that since 1970 LCIF has donated over $1.48 million to Wisconsin and $160 thousand to 27-D1. Rollie collected donations ($224) for LCIF Haitian Relief Fund as part of his report. He questioned the appropriate role of District 27-D1 to support the LCIF response in Haiti. Lion Rob Sherman suggested that responses might best reside at the club level. With further discussion that approach became the sentiment of the group.

On behalf of the Long Range Planning Committee, PDG Arlen Milestone moved the District extend its contract with the Marriott in Madison for two additional years beyond the already agreed upon site for next year, to a total three year commitment. The motion was seconded by Lion Randy Harrison. After considerable discussion of the pros and cons of such a commitment, the motion carried.

Lion Sam Powell reported on behalf of Wisconsin Lions Foundation. This year each club will get 4 tickets for WLF raffle at $25 each. Tickets however cannot be mailed. Projects include putting a truss roof on one building to replace a flat roof. Deer hides are down to about 400. The retreat and conference center are used nearly every weekend during the camping off-season.

Hearing Chairman, Lion Daryl Porter, reported that the hearing aid program is working well; donations from 23 clubs; 7 hearing aids approved with 9 clubs covering the audiology fee. Daryl is looking for a replacement as chair of this committee.

Lion Rob Perkins reported that it has been difficult getting a campus club going at Platteville; hoping to get started next year with a core group of current Cuba City and Iowa-Grant Leos. Leo clubs in the district are doing well. The Lions band brought a new Lion to Muscoda club and may lead to a Leo club at Riverdale High School.

Lioness Julie Baglama gave the Lions Affiliate report. There are 387 Lioness in 12 clubs in the district. They are working on the District Convention; will present a Knight of Sight award and sponsor "The Hat Lady" during the opening session.

Lion Rob Sherman reported that Officer Training dates will be April 19th (Waunakee), 21st (Belmont), and 22nd (Albany). Also, the state will have another Emerging Lions workshop.

Lion Dennis Gullickson will be starting to work on the Peace Poster contest for next year.

After club and other announcements, Tail Twister Dennis Gullickson raffled off a few cash prizes and contributed $107 to the district treasury.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Al Schultz
District Secretary/Treasurer

Note: some attachments are PDF format. You may download the most recent free Adobe PDF reader at Adobe.
Agenda (html)
Activities Financial Report (PDF)
Administrative Financial Report (PDF)
Affiliate District Lioness Report (html)
Attendance (PDF)
Candidate Search / Review Committee Report (html)
Care and LCIF Report (html)
Children's Vision Screening Report (PDF)
Diabetes Committee Report (html)
District Bowling Report (PDF)
District Convention Report (html)
Hearing Aid Program Report (html)
Leadership Report (html)
Leadership Brochure (PDF)
LEHP Report (html)
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Report (html)
Public Relations Report (PDF)
Region 3 Zone 2 Report (html)
Region 3 Zone 3 Report (html)
Region 3 Zone 4 Report (html)
State Convention Report (html)
USA/Canada Forum Report (html)
Youth Exchange Report (PDF)

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