We Serve

District 27-D1

District Cabinet Meeting - Cottage Grove - January 23, 2011
Flynn Hall

The meeting was called to order at 11:30am.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a song and prayer.

Lunch was served.

District Governor's Report - The district has a membership of +47 as of December 31, 2010.

Extension - UW-P Lions club is looking for an advisor to assist their club.

Constitution and By Laws - There is no new information as of this meeting.

Long Range Planning - There is no new information as of this meeting.

Wisconsin Lions Foundation - We had our first transgendered camper at the camp this year.

Lions Pride - No report given

District Convention - Registrations are due. Advertising for the convention program book are due by Friday January 28th.

Diabetes - There is a diabetes focus group that is meeting in Rosholt. Plans are being made for a diabetes float for the international convention in Seattle Washington. $12,000 will be spent on the float with ½ coming from Wisconsin and ½ from the state of Washington.

Hearing Conservation - there have been 24 club donations so far for this year. 3 apps for hearing aids have been denied due to not meeting the proper criteria for the program.

LEHP -There will be a vision screening training session held on Saturday January 29, 2011 at the Evangelical Lutheran church in Mt Horeb. The training will start at 10am.

Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank - Our district is doing very well as far as donations to the eye bank. Please volunteer to help with our next eye transport if you are available to drive for one of the legs of the route to Madison.

Children's Vision Screening - The Polaroid cameras will be phased out when they are in need of repair. The company that made them is no longer in business and it is very difficult to get new parts to fix them. There was a new digital camera displayed at the meeting. The digital camera has a purchase price of about $6,500.00.

Leadership Officer Training - Officer training will be held on Monday April 18, 2011 at Rex's Innkeeper in Waunakee, on Wednesday April 20, 2011 at Baymont Inn & Suites in Belmont, and Thursday April 21, 2011 at the Albany Lions Clubhouse. All officers are encouraged to attend one of these sessions to help you understand the duties that go along with your position. The Emerging Lions Leadership training has been canceled.

Public Relations - No report was given.

Youth Exchange - A handout was given for this report.

Leader Dog - No report was given.

Leo Report - There are currently 11 Leo Clubs in the district. Bucky is trying to get contact information for all of the Leo Advisors. 6 - 8 Leos will be needed for the flag ceremony at the district convention. There will also be a breakout session for Leos at the district convention.

CARE Report - Dr Gill has passed the 25000 mark in his work with doing cornea transplants.

LCIF - No report was given.

Alert/Disaster Relief - No report was given.

Candidate Search and Review - All candidates in the election at district convention have filed their papers and are lining up people to make a motion and second for them to be elected.

Environmental - No report was given.

USA/Canada Forum - No report was given.

Pins Report - No report was given.

Lioness Affiliate - The affiliate held their cabinet meeting on January 15, 2011 at The State Bank of Cross Plains in Mt Horeb. All Lioness clubs are in the process of getting a $25.00 door prize for the district convention. The affiliate will donate up to $200.00 for soda at the hospitality night event for the district convention. The affiliate thanks everyone that attended the Affiliate 25th Anniversary party at the Dodger Bowl. The next affiliate cabinet meeting will be held at the district convention.

Mission to Mexico - In October 2010 Lions Glen Spring and John Roundy delivered a fire truck and school bus filled with school and medical supplies to McAllen TX where they were transferred to Mexico. The Mission to Mexico has taken on a project to help the Vera Cruz Blind School that was hit by a hurricane last fall. District 27-D1 purchased a $2600.00 Braille printer for the school. 32 Wisconsin Lions are flying into Vera Cruz on January 22md to conduct a 5 day eye clinic.

Tail Twister - $195 dollars was collected in the 50/ 50 drawing. $97.00 was split between 3 winners.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn and the meeting ended at 1:00pm.

Respectively Submitted

Lion Ron Fladseth
District Secretary / Treasurer

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