District Cabinet Meeting - Elmo Club, Cuba City - August 7, 2011
The meeting was called to order by District Governor Lion Neil Winchell at 12:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by 1st VDG Lion Daryl Porter followed by song /prayer by PDG Lion Rick Daluge.
Dinner was served by the Elmo Club. DG Lion Neil thanked them for the great meal.
PID Lion Phil Ingwell conducted the induction of the district cabinet including officers, VDG's, zone chairs, and committee chairs. He charged us to serve our fellow lions well.
DG Lion Neil gave his address by thanking the Lake Wisconsin Lions for the podium display of international flags, the Cuba City Lions for refurbishing the bell and the new gavel, and the Hazel Green Lions for the podium. He presented IPDG Lion Gene Francis with a plaque thanking him for his year of service to the district. He later sang the song "I Believe" which is the theme of the International Director, Lion Tam. He then gave some of his goals for the district this year including increased membership especially an increase in the number of women and couples, and retention of members which he called Wisconsin “hold ‘em”, and creating new Lions clubs and Leos Clubs.
The minutes of the last district meeting held at the district convention on March 11, 2011 were approved by a motion made by PDG Lion Walt Althaus, 2nd by PDG Lion Rob Sherman.
The depository of the First National Bank of Platteville for district funds was approved by a motion made by IPDG Lion Gene Francis, 2nd by PID Lion Phil Ingwell.
The audit report for 2011-12 was prepared by PDG Lion John Jenson and was approved by a motion made by PID Lion Peter Cernigilia, 2nd by VDG Lion Bob Faliveno.
The district budget for 2011-12 was prepared mainly by PDG Lion Rick Daluge and was approved by a motion made by PDG Lion Greg Johll, 2nd by Lion Dale Boness.
Lion Peggy Daluge handed out sign-up sheets for committee chairs to submit their activities to the newspaper, district convention committee, club activities for Aug. through Nov. and holiday activities.
PDG Lion Rick Daluge spoke about the Wisconsin Eye Bank and since their mortgage is paid off and the district raised over $25,000 a room will be named after us and we received a plaque that he presented to PID Lion Peter Cerniglia and the Cross Plains Lions Clubs to keep.
A report was given about the Council of Governors Meeting with many of our district Lions members obtaining positions within the multiple district including Lion Bucky Boland as a state liaison for Leos Clubs, PDG Lion Rob Sherman as head of the GLT, Lion Jodi Burmester on the Public Relations Board, PDG Lion John Jenson as state convention coordinator, VDG Lion Daryl Porter is on the editorial board and DG Lion Neil as a member of the eye bank liaison.
Dues increases were discussed. International dues will go up $2 in 2012-13 and again in 2013-14. The district is considering a dues increase of $1 starting with a $.50 increase on the January billing and $.50 on the June billing. A motion was made to enact this increase was made by PID Lion Phil Ingwell, 2nd by VDG Lion Bob Faliveno. After discussion about expenses that our vice district governors paid out of pocket the last few months of their terms the motion came to a vote and was passed.
Committee Reports
Alert/Disaster Relief report—Lion Bill Tefft reported on ideas of being prepared in advance for disasters by having lions clubs prepare lists of vulnerable citizens and coordinating relief services with other community clubs, relief agencies, faith communities, etc. The LCIF will send $10,000 upon request of the district governor for a disaster in the district.
Candidate Search/Review Committee—PDG Lion Jerry Sherwin reported that the district is now looking for candidates for 2nd VDG for next year. He said that Lion Randy Harrison has turned in his paperwork. Please contact him or PDG Lion John Jenson if any one else is interested.
Care/LCIF—Lion Doc Esser reported that Dr. Gil has just returned from the Philippines after providing eye related services to thousands of local citizens. Dr. Gil extends his thanks to the district and all the clubs that have contributed to this and he will be glad to give a presentation to any club that invites him. Lion Doc Esser wants all clubs that donate to LCIF to be sure that they put on the bottom of the check if they want the money to be designated for the Melvin Jones Award and send the check to Lion Doc first.
Children's Vision Screening—no report.
Constitution and By-Laws—PDG Lion Arlen Milestone reported that a consideration of allowing some time for candidates to give a response to their nomination. A motion was made by PDG Lion Walt Althaus to change the times to 3 minutes, 2 minutes, and then 2 minutes to respond, 2nd by Lion Bill Tefft, motion was passed.
Convention Planning—A sheet is being passed around for volunteers to help with the convention to be held at the Middleton Mariott on March 9-10, 2012.
Diabetes—Lion Dale Boness reported that that the Wisconsin float with a diabetes theme won first place at the International Convention Parade in Seattle and the $1500 prize was given to the state diabetes committee. Wisconsin's promotional materials on diabetes was presented to Multiple District 19 (Washington, British Columbia, and Idaho.) PDG Lion Greg Johll reported that the DVD will be revised to be more Lionistic in nature. The state committee will meet Aug. 3 at the Lions camp.
District Convention—IPDG Lion Gene Francis reported that the first meeting will be in October and that it will take 4 meetings to plan the convention.
Elections—no report.
Environmental—Lion Diane Venden reported on International's new initiative of planting a million trees throughout the world. All clubs are urged to get involved including Leo Clubs by finding local resources to obtain trees and getting them planted. Clubs are to send in counts of the number of trees planted to Lion Diane; patches and other awards will be presented for participation.
Eye Bank—PDG Lion Rick Daluge reported that the Wisconsin Eye Bank is looking to expand its services to include cutting corneas which could eliminate transporting them from Iowa. Golf outing is on Aug. 22.
GLT—PDG Lion Rob Sherman reported that we need to look for and develop new leaders to replace us in the future. Clubs need to orientate new members and information is available on the district website.
GMT—VDG Lion Daryl Porter reported on extension by looking for branch clubs where 5 members are needed, creating campus clubs, 2 new clubs this year and 2 more next year, and lastly getting more women and couples and families into our clubs. Lion Tammy Rockenbach reported on increasing the number of women in clubs by promoting couples where the spouse pays half dues and getting students in the club at a reduced rate of $19.50.
Hearing—no report. A donation of $4 per member is requested.
IT—Lion Scott Grover reported that all committees send in their reports to him so he can post them on the district website.
Leader Dog—Lion Bill Killian reported that donations are down, but people still need the services of an dog. Send donations to Lion Bill first so he can keep track of club donations.
LEHP—VDG Lion Bob Faliveno reported on the district initiative to expand eye screening for adults with training sessions throughout the district and some outside on the Humphrey Visual Field Instrument. He thanked Meriter Hospital Foundation for picking up the cost of printing for this project and his home club, the Mount Horeb Lions, sent a $300 donation to the foundation.
LEOS—Lion Bucky Boland reported that our district has 11 Leo Clubs and that better communication needs to be a priority between these clubs and their host Lions Clubs and advisors are a important factor.
Lions Affiliate—Lion Greg Clark announced the area officers including Area President Lioness Amy Paulson, VP Lioness Colleen McCormick, Skirt Twister Lioness Julie Nygaard, Diabetes Chair Lioness Carla Rottscheitt, and Central Area Director Lioness Debbie McCain.
Lions Pride—no report
Mission to Mexico—DG Lion Neil read the report from PDG Lion Glen Spring and Lion Erling Isely. Two trips are planned depending on security issues.
Parliamentarian/ Protocol—PID Phil Ingwell had no report.
Peace Poster—Lion Rob Perkins reported that the contest has few entrants and with 55 clubs there should be more. Ask the school art teacher to ask the students to submit their posters by the end of October to their local Lions Club.
Photographer—no report.
Pins—PDG Lion Jerry Sherwin reported that an idea is needed for a new series next year. He reported that there are hundreds of pins from past years and ideas are needed to get rid of them. Motion was made and approved by Lion Rob Perkins, 2nd by Lion Emmett Reilly to hand out pins to new Leo members, youth exchange students, and kids at the Lions Camp.
Public Relations—no report.
Research and Long Range Planning—no report.
USA-Canada Forum—Lion Tammy Rockenbach reported that the forum is in Anchorage, Alaska on September 22-24. Next year the forum is in Tampa Bay, Florida.
Tail Twister—Lion Dennis Gullickson handed out the proceeds of the 50/50 raffle.
WLF—PDG Lion Walt Althaus reported that there are two weeks left for the campers and number of campers will be given at the next meeting. The camp is almost booked for the winter. The kids raffle continues and winners will be drawn on September 17 at the open house.
Youth Exchange—Lion Ben August reported that 5 students from the district went overseas this summer and that we hosted 2 youth from overseas; one at Marshall and the other at Pardeeville. The camp was very successful with 54 campers. Each club is asked to donate $2 per member and turn it in by Dec. 1.
DG Lion Neil charged us to believe and serve our fellow Lions. Be like the Bumble Bee.
The meeting was adjourned by DG Lion Neil at 4:30 p.m.
Treasurers Report - Activities (pdf)
Ist VDG Report (pdf)
Leadership Report (pdf)
LEAP Report (pdf)
Pin Report (pdf)
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