We Serve

District 27-D1

District Cabinet Meeting - Marriott Convention Center, Middleton - March 9, 2012

The meeting was called to order by District Governor Lion Neil Winchell at 5:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by 1st VDG Lion Daryl Porter followed by song /prayer by PDG Lion Rick Daluge. Dinner was served by the Marriott.

The minutes of the cabinet meeting held at Cross Plains on January 22, 2012 were approved by a motion made by PDG Lion Gene Francis, 2nd by PDG Lion Walt Althaus . The treasurer's report was approved by a motion made by PDG Lion Jerry Sherwin, 2nd by PDG

DG report: DG Neil reported that the district has a new campus club at UW-Platteville with 33 new members and the same number at the new Leos Club at Southwestern. We are close to increasing the number of women in the district by 5%. A new club has not been started at Clinton, but if not this year, then next year. We are down 35 members in the UW-Madison Campus Club, but this has been offset by increases in other clubs so that the net decrease is 18. We have 12 Leos Clubs and they are active as shown by Potosi's Club sending in money from a fundraiser for juvenile diabetes. DG Neil thanked the cabinet for their work in making this year a successful one.

First VDG report and extension: Lion Daryl Porter reported that he is working on forming his new cabinet; he has most lions contacted, but a few are to be asked. He is also looking for 2 zone chairs.The cabinet meetings are set starting with Aug. 5 at Beloit, Oct. 14 at DeForest, Jan. 13 at Dodgeville, and Mar. 8 at the Marriott. His goal is to reverse the 5-year trend of loss of 28 members and one way is to get new clubs. He will have 4 lions whose mission is to find new clubs in the district. The new club at Clinton did not form due to lack of numbers, but a branch club will be formed instead.

Second VDG report and Adult Vision Screening: Lion Robert Faliveno reported on his district training, attending zone meetings, helping develop CEP, attending CLAL (communicate like a leader) and attending COG(council of governors).

Eye Bank: PDG Mike Tiber said that 847 corneas were taken in 2011 and 478 in 2012. This is due to the increase use or the Donor Registry. The website has been updated and a Facebook account has been set up. Contact Lion Mike for any information.

District and State Conventions: PDG Lion Rick Daluge reported that 19 gave blood today. He mentioned the hospitality room will be open this evening and hosted by the Middleton Lions. He reminded all about the great programs, sessions and exhibits which are listed in the convention booklet (thanks to Lion Peggy Daluge for organizing the booklet). PDG Lion John Jenson reported that the state convention is in Green Bay and to get registration and hotel booked. Motion was approved to donate $150 to purchase an ad in the booklet, motion made by VDG Lion Bob Faliveno and 2nd by PID Lion Phil Ingwell. Motion was approved to donate $200 to assist the hospitality at the convention, motion made by PDG Lion Walt Althaus, 2nd by IPDG Gene Francis.

Diabetes: Lion Dale Boness and Lion Ray Roper reported on the work on juvenile diabetes especially in getting information out to parents, grandparents, friends, teachers and others. Come visit the booth at this convention and view a new DVD , orders will be taken.

Children's Vision Screening: Lion Dave Hineline reported that 61 were trained to use the new digital camera (Plus Optics) and 6 screenings were held. Now 4 clubs have bought these cameras.

Care/LCIF: Lion Doc Esser reported that Dr. Gil is in the Philippines and has performed 606 cataract surgeries. He will be back in July and available to give club presentations this fall. Lion Doc also said that we had 10 Melvin Jones Awards presented this year for a grand total of 557 MJF and 6 progressive MJ. He also reported on LCI 's program to vaccinate against measles and announced that Bill Gates will donate $1 for every $2 that Lions donate for this program.

Youth Exchange: Lion Ben August thanked all the clubs that have donated. We have enough to fill the scholarships to those who wanted to go overseas and enough to pay for the camp expenses for the those who come overseas to experience our culture. Clubs from the Madison area are willing to host a picnic for the camper when they come into Madison for a day. The committee needs host families to open their home to these young people from overseas and give them experiences in our culture.

WLF: Lion Walt Althaus reported that camp staff in place for this summer at our Lions Camp. A meeting will be held in two weeks and a more extensive report and will put it on the website.

Election Committee: Lion Terry DesJarlais reported that all is ready for the elections with ballots and ballot box here. PDG Lions Rick Daluge reported that voting will take place in the Superior room.

GLT/GMT/Retention: PDG Lion Rob Sherman reported that officer training will take place in mid-April in Waunakee, Belmont, and Albany. We also received a $300 grant from LCI for training. Zone chair training will take place in May. Lion Jodi Burmester reported that we are down 18 in the district so far, but since December we have increased our membership by 55. Lion Tara Vraniak reported that surveys are conducted with 30% return rate with comments from lions about their clubs. The results are sent back to the clubs twice a year to help clubs retain their members. She reminded members about the Club Excellence Process (CEP) and the information session at the convention.

Restoring Hope Transplant: special guest Cindy Herbst spoke about a program to provide housing for family of transplant patients. This is Middleton Lions signature project and a wine and cheese event is going on tonight at the convention to help raise funds for this. All lions are invited to attend.

Adult Vision Screening: 2nd VDG Bob Faliveno reported that Lion Bill Severson will be his secretary/ treasurer when he is elected to be district governor in 2013-14. He spoke about the humphrey system to screen adults for visions problems and the need to get 2 volunteers to help this program grow. More funds are needed so as to buy 2 more screeners for $11,000, maybe apply for funds from the Dubuque Racing Association. Screenings are continuing and help is needed for these.

Other Business: 1st VDG Lion Daryl Porter asked for volunteers to come forward and help with the adult vision screening for Lion Bob Faliveno and for the membership committee. He invited all to the hospitality room after the wine and cheese fest tonight.

Next year's convention: IPDG Lion Gene Francis reported on the work on looking for sites for the district conventions for 2014. He and Lion Daryl Porter looked at Sheraton in Madison, Cvala Vista in Wisconsin Dells, and the Marriott in Middleton. The motion was made by IPDG Lion Gene Francis to hold the district convention for 2014 at the Marriott in Middleton, 2 nd by Lion Tracy Hoffman; motion carried.

Tail Twister—Lion Dennis Gullickson reported that 50/50 tickets are being sold now with the drawing happening later tonight.

Other business: Lion Jean Francis reported that the charter night for the UW-Platteville Campus Club will be April 10 at the Norh Gallery at the Ullsvik Center at UW-Plattevile. DG Lion Neil adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


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