August Cabinet Meeting
Region 2 Zone 1 Report

I visited DeForest Lions club on May 11 and Token Creek Lions on May 14. I installed 2 new members at the Token Creek visit.

I installed the officers of the Token Creek Lions club on June 11th.
I installed officers of the Waunakee Lions, Lioness and Leos on June 17th, 2015.
I haven't scheduled any club visits at this time.

Below is a list of club activities that were forwarded to me.

Sun Prairie
July 16 - Sun Prairie Lions Golf Outing, SPCC
July 25 - Taste of Sun Prairie, downtown SP
August 22-23 - Sweet Corn Festival Parking
October 10 - Hwy Cleanup
October 26 - Sunshine Supper

In July, our club is sponsoring an antique car display that will be featured in the Waunafest parade. The cars will be occupied by the winners of the Waunakee Comrnunity Awards that our club sponsored in April.
We are sponsoring a volleyball tournament in July during Waunafest that is known as Waunaspike. I believe we will have around 65 teams that will be playing all day Saturday. This is a big fundraiser for our club.
We are also sponsoring a raffle during Waunafest. The first & second prizes are donated by our club, $750 & $500.
Our club is participating in the Village of Waunakee Chalk Walk event in August. We will be serving food and sponsoring a DJ.
August is our month for eye tissue transport.
We sponsored a little league baseball team this summer and had a meet & greet with the team last night with hot dogs & lemonade.
In September we will be hosting a food tent for Wauktoberfest. This is another big fundraiser for our club.

ZC Tara Vraniak

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