January Cabinet Meeting

Clubs are continuing to support the Centennial Service challenge. A new banner patch is available for this year. We are going to have district wide Global Service Actions. Please attend the Centennial Seminar at this year's district convention to learn more. I have asked for every club to create a Centennial Chair. Please make sure that person is at the seminar, or at least a member from each club.

Centennial Celebration Membership Awards are being awarded. Please remember the bigger the award the longer the members and/or clubs stay active. This is designed for recruiting and retention.

Statewide, the motorcycle rally is being organized. The date has been changed to accommodate the large group of people. More information will be coming out.

Clubs are being asked to create a Centennial Legacy Project for their communities. We will be discussing what we can do to create the lasting legacy in the Centennial Seminar at district convention.

LCI has created the Centennial Club Planning Guide. This guide will help your club plan a 100 year celebration and achieve Centennial goals.

Lions Touchstone Stories will share the history of Lions. Each story will tell a defining moment in Lions history. You can check these out at www.lions100.org.

Yours in Lionism,
Tammy Rockenbach

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