January Cabinet Meeting
Attachment to R3Z4 Report
November 3, 2015
Middleton Lions Club
Lions Brandon and Ben,
Thank you for hosting my visit the other day. I found our meeting very interesting and am glad we had the chance to talk. Also, I have sought advice from our district leaders about some of what we discussed. Responses were very positive and I've copied their worthwhile ideas below.
2nd VDG Lion Jodi:
I think it's a great idea to invite those soon to be former Optimists to join the club. Those that remain in that club are likely very committed to the club and could make great Lions!
DG Dick Schwedrsky:
I would agree with 2nd VDG (Jodi) about the optimists moving over to Lions. The members of the Middleton club that have not paid their dues should be dropped in November unless they pay in November. If they don't come off in November LCI will charge for the 2nd 6 months of their dues.
Lion Tammy Rockenbach:
I also think it is a great idea to invite them. The Optimist dues are almost identical to the Lions, so that will not be a hurdle. The Lions need to stress how we help the youth with programs such as vision screening, scholarships, measles initiative, etc. But then show them how much more the Lions do. Stressing our global service activities is a good start.
Please let me know what you think and if I can be of any help.
Yours in Lionism,
Zone Chair Lion Joyce Koch
(608) 548-4614