January Cabinet Meeting
Wisconsin Lions Foundation lnc. Report
Jack Reindl, WLF President
The WLF Board finished the year with a meeting on December 5th, 2015. The main focus of the meeting was to finalize the 2015-16 Budget. The Board had already seen the income and expense numbers at the September meeting and at the December meeting, Executive Director Evett provided us with the final Administrative numbers which included the salary cost projections. The budget numbers were then complete and the Board was able to finalize the budget.
During the Finance Committee Meeting, Director Vrieze brought up the need to address the need to request a change to Article lll Section 4 of the Multiple District 27 Constitution and bylaws. The suggested replacement will read:
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation lnc. shall provide the approved budget to the State Council of Governors at the first Council of Governors meeting of the calendar yeor, and shall provide finoncial statements, including detailed income and expenses, to the Council of Governors at eoch subsequent Council of Governars meetings.
This revision has been submitted to the COG for approval. This replacement of Article lll, Section 4 will bring the policy in line with the Wisconsin Lions Foundation's January-December accounting year.
The Public Relations/Resource Development Committee announced that the Kids for Camp Raffle tickets were ready to be distributed by the Directors. The Birch Sturm Golf Outing date has been set for July 23, 2016. The Deer Hide Collection Project is wrapping up and the final numbers will be announced when they become available.
Council Representative DG Jay Nesseth will be chairing the Motorcycle Ride that will coincide with our 60th Anniversary Celebration on September 10, 2016. DG Jay will be working with Lion Jodi Burmester and a committee to develop plans for this event.
The Sight/Hearing Committee heard a report that the program with the prisons is working smoothly at this tirne. The precious metal program is working well and our metals on hand will support the EGR Program for the foreseeable future. PDG and Past WLF President Dave Hempel reported that the Vision Screening Focus Group would meet on Dec. 12th.
The Camp Operations Committee met and Camp Director Andrea Yenter, along with Public Relations Manager Julie Wierzba, updated the Committee on the mailings that will go out to the WLF Directors and the schools in January.
The 2015 Audit has been scheduled with KerberRose and they will do their preliminary fieldwork on February 1-3, 2016.
The next WLF Board Meeting is scheduled for February 27th 2015 and will be held at Wisconsin Lions Camp.