January Cabinet Meeting
Once again I will not be in attendance at the COG meeting but if it counts for anything, I won't be far away. The WLM organization will be meeting at the same time at the Lions Camp so let me offer an update on what we are doing by this reporl.
During the first week of December we did a small mission in Haiti. The genesis of this trip was a phone call last February from a group called "Mountain Top Ministries". They wanted to know how to do an eyeglass mission and after a couple phone calls I suggested we go with them and show them. They eagerly accepted that offer so there were 7 of us Lions and we were joined by one of their group. In total there were about 20 people on that mission. It all turned out very well. We screened about 600 school children and saw about 500 other people in the four days we worked. The real plus was that MTM people are very established there, they made all the arrangements and all we had to do was do the eyeglass paft. We could have handled many more people but they just weren't there.
The last week of February Steve McCabe will leading his group into Nicaragua. There will be 30+ people with him. When that mission is complete many of those people will fly to San Salvador, El Salvador to join up with a group led by Tom Bredesen to do a mission there the first week of March. That will be our first mission ever in El Salvador. Lion Tom and I went to El Salvador last June to get this mission organized. We have every reason to believe that it will be a very good mission and experience. In both countries we will be working with the Lions there.
As we are all meeting this weekend large areas of the mid-west are being devastated by floods. I can't help but think that this a place where our Lions Missions Emergency Response Team could help out but am reluctant to try to put together a team at this time of the -vear. I am going to continue to monitor what is happening there and perhaps later in the winter or early spring we could still serve those unfortunate people.
In early February, we will be taking the Lions Missions trailer to the Mexican border. It will be loaded wth items of use to the Mexican communities.
If you have any, questions about any of what we are doing or if you have suggestions I would like to hear from you.
PCC Bill Taubman
WLM President