Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, August 6, 2017
Coliseum Bar & Grill
Affiliate District Report

This is the Affiliate District Cabinet for 2017-2018

Affiliate President ADP - Carol Gilbert
Affiliate Vice President - ADVP Carol MacKechnie
Affiliate Secretary - Shawn Grulke
Affiliate Treasurer - Della Rancourt
Immediate Past Affiliate President - IPADP Greg Clark
Central East Area Director - PADP Bette Paulson
South East Area Director - Mary Statz
West Area Director - PADP Jean Oppermann
Lions Affiliate Chairman - IPADP/ADC Greg Clark
Skirt Twister - Robin Digman
Constitution and By-Laws - PDP Carolyn Tiber
Membership and Extension - PADP Colleen McCormick
Historian - Geri Hummer
Diabetes Committee - Winnie Jentz
Convention Committee - ADP Carol Gilbert
Convention Committee - IPADP Greg Clark
Advisory Committee - IPADP Greg Clark
Leadership Training-West - PADP Carol Aultman
Leadership Training-East - PADP Julie Baglama

Next Lioness Affiliate cabinet meeting is August 24, 2017. 9:00am @ Spring Garden Family Restaurant Mt. Horeb.

Respectfully submitted by ADC Lion/Lioness Greg Clark

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