Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, March 11, 2017
2nd Vise District Governor Report

I have been busy assisting the Governor and the District with the Executive team, Madison New Member Initiative, Convention planning and Club visits. I have also been active making a presence and visiting clubs in Regions one and two.

Comment: some clubs are more active than others. While overall the level of service is good some individual clubs have opportunities to improve their level of service. As a general comment the more successful and stable clubs are those with higher service to the community.

  1. • Membership is a concern. For Regions 1 & 2 we are currently down 39 members. Only 4 clubs have an increase in membership: Mt. Horeb +1, Pardeeville +2, Sun Prairie +1, Token Creek +4 and Waunakee +2.

I have visited or have scheduled 19 of the 21 clubs in Regions 1 & 2. The remaining 2 clubs have all been contacted and will be completed before the end of the Lion year. One of the remaining clubs did have a Governor Visit handled by 1 st VDG John but I am intent on also visiting this club.

I have enjoyed each club I have visited. I have stressed the positives of the clubs. My talk has centered on: We Serve (accomplishments of the club); member experience in two ways recognition and making meeting fun, and strengthening clubs through shinning a light on the clubs (letting communities know what we do). I have been challenging clubs to increase membership by two members and start a new service activity.

As for Zone two Region one where I am acting at zone chair only one club has positive membership, Mt. Horeb. I have visited each club with the exception of Middleton which is to be scheduled.

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