Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, March 11, 2017
27-D1 District Cabinet Meeting Agenda

8:00am Call to Order DG - Jodi Burmester
Words of Wisdom - 2nd VDG Conrad Dreyer
Welcome - DG Jodi Burmester
DG Comments - DG Jodi Burmester
Approval of Minutes - Sec Tammy Rockenbach / DG Jodi Burmester
'Ware'spiration - ID Jenny Ware
Standing Committee Reports Affiliate District President ADP Greg Clark
Global Membership Team (GMT) - report Tara Vraniak
Global Leadership Team (GLT) - report Mike Keller
• Officer Training
Committee Reports
District Convention - Bill Clausius / PDG Rick Daluge / Missy Dickson
Youth Exchange - report Ben August
Other Committee Reports (if there's time)
Club Announcements
8:30am Adjourn

• Please review all written reports prior to the Cabinet Meeting. Available online, report pdf to be emailed with final agenda later this week.
• Agenda / Report Highlights will be projected on screen.
• Verbal reports should be kept to 3 minutes or less & should summarize written report.

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