Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, March 11, 2017
Diabetes Awareness Committee Report

American Diabetes Association (ADA) Alert Day will be observed on March 27 th this year. This is a one-day “wake-up call” to inform the public about the seriousness of type 2 diabetes.

Many of the clubs in the district are planning events on this day to spread the word. Some of the events include display tables at grocery stores, free bottled water hand-outs with the diabetes/Lions stickers on them, wellness fairs at community centers, free diabetes and vision screenings along with informational pamphlets distributed at senior centers, etc. Club response has been good with many of the clubs now ordering supplies directly from WLF.

There will be a diabetes awareness table set up at the district convention with pamphlets and informational supplies for those who have questions or would like further information.

D1 WLF Director Steve Ver Kuilen recently sent out an email of upcoming state-wide events including Diabetes Alert Day with some suggestions and ideas for clubs to get involved, as well as how and where to get the supplies.

At the Diabetes Focus Group meeting held in January members discussed a variety of things including the need for additional display boards for the districts; the possibility of getting new informational pamphlets for type 2 diabetes and another booklet geared towards type 1 diabetes; the decision was made to represent Diabetes Awareness at the USA/Canada Forum with a diabetes awareness display table which will be manned from 8-5 every day of the forum by Lions from D1.

Respectfully submitted,
Becky Faliveno
D1 Diabetes Awareness co-chair

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