Service / Fun / Recognition / Shine a Light
District Meeting - Sunday, March 11, 2017
Wisconsin Lions Missions Report

Two eye glass missions have just been completed. The first was conducted in Chinandega, Nicaragua Feb. 19th thru the 24th. 30 Lions members fitted over 3800 people with glasses. The host club for this mission were the Leon, Nicaragua Lions who handled registration and traffic control.

The second Mission was to Usulut'an, El Salvador where 35 Wisconsin Lions fitted over 4500 people with glasses. They were assisted by Lions and Lioness from that community. This was the 3rd mission to El Salvador and the first outside the Capitol city of San Salvadore.

The annual summer meeting will be in Marshfield in August. More details to follow.

There are no other changes since the January report.

Respectfully submitted:
Erling Isely, District Chair

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