Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 20, 2019
2nd VDG Report
I have made visits to about half of the clubs in my regions. I still have several clubs to schedule club visits with. I also need to get to the clubs that DG John visited as the official visit. The clubs are doing amazing work.
Our clubs are recruiting new members. (Secretaries-please order new member kits. The certificates change yearly.) We need to work on retaining them. Hopefully, all clubs will send someone to the Club Quality Initiative at District Convention.
Also at District Convention will be a seminar on Adapting Clubs to Changes. We have clubs that are holding meetings differently, picking up new fundraisers and adding some new service projects. They are meeting the needs of the community and their members.
The six region meetings in October were a success. Only a few clubs did not have someone in attendance. Lots of new information was shared.
Looking forward to a great second half.
Thank you for allowing me to serve with you,
Lion Tammy Rockenbach
2nd VDG