Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 20, 2019
Leo Chairperson Report
Currently we have 18 clubs listed on MyLCI. Currently, only four clubs have reported activities.
There are still six Leo clubs with no assigned Leo Advisor. Please assign an advisor or member who will be the Leo contact. Please assign an email, if possible, for easier communication.
Remind Club Advisors to have Leos sign up for the district convention. Fee is $30.00. **A Leo advisor or sponsoring Lion club member should be the contact when Leos are attending the convention.
Make sure Leos fill out form Leo-50A. Forms are kept with sponsoring clubs. These should be filled out before attending the district convention.
Leo Club advisors or Leo Presidents/Leo Secretaries need to enter in activities every month.
A note from Lion Bob Lauer on Outstanding Leo in the State of Wisconsin:
“Hello Leo District Chairpersons. There is a new award for Outstanding Leo in the State of Wisconsin. Your District Governor will be getting information at the Council of Governors meeting on January 12. If you have a Leo who is truly outstanding, please let your DG or Council Chair Jodi know asap as the deadline is coming up fast. Also, please have your Leo club update their information on LCI. I know the challenges you face as I am the adviser for Grafton Leo club with 133 members. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Lauer, Grafton Lions Club.”
Lion Crystal Riniker,
Leo Club Chairperson