Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 20, 2019
Club Service Goals
We are halfway through the 2018-19 Lion year so it's time to review our Service Goal progress. The second half always brings an abundance of service projects and fundraisers, plus conventions and trainings, so please take a little time to plan your club's path to meeting your service goals.
At the Region meetings in October, District and Club Service Goals for 2018-2019 were presented:
1. Complete at least one service project in each of the 5 Focus Areas - Hunger, Vision, Environment, Diabetes and Childhood Cancer - 48 or 58 Clubs have reported completing at least 1 of the Focus Area Projects with 9 clubs completing 4 or more Focus Areas.
2. Wisconsin Diabetes Service Challenge - District with largest % increase wins challenge - Each Club to complete at least 1 additional Diabetes Service Project over last year - 23 Clubs have completed 47 Diabetes Projects which means 35 Clubs have not done a Diabetes Service Project. March 26 will be American Diabetes Association ALERT DAY! Every club should plan a Diabetes Project for March. Start planning now!
3. Mi>Complete 1 NEW Service Project - When your Club has done a New project, please email me so we can record our progress on this goal.
4. Raise the visibility of your service projects - promote before, during and after - Don't forget to promote your projects, before, during and after, on social media, local print media and on your website.
5. Report all your service projects & activities on MyLCI - the number of service projects reported on MyLCI by 57 of 58 clubs is down significantly from last year. There could be many reasons, but whatever they are, please make sure that your members report their service activities to your service chair and that they get reported on MyLCI. Remember: The District Club of the Year is be based on Service Activities you report on MyLCI.
Attached are some ideas for Childhood Cancer projects. There are additional resources for project ideas, planning projects, etc. for each of the 5 focus areas on the new LCI website.
Please contact if you have questions or need help meeting your service goals.
Thank you for everything you do for your clubs.
Bruce Voight
27D1 Global Service Team
(608) 572-9173
(608) 838-9626