Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 10, 2019
1st VDG Report - Zone Region 3 & 4

Overall membership is good. Regions 3 & 4 membership is +6.

Overall I am pleased with the membership numbers in these Regions not that there is not work to do to increase membership.

VDG visits are going well it is always a pleasure visiting clubs and seeing firsthand the service being provided on the local level. I would like to see more involvement of clubs beyond their local level and moving into district, cabinet levels or beyond. I have visited or have visits scheduled with each club in Regions 3 & 4. The only visits remaining are Orfordville, Monroe, Milton and Argyle. I will have all clubs visited by the end of May.

Zone meetings were a struggle this year with the weather we have been struggling with. Region 3 Zone 1 was attended by Zone Chair Julie and DG John (in my absence since I had a prior commitment). I handled the duties of a Zone meeting from Region 3 Zone 2. This was held but was not well attended only two clubs attended this is partially attributable to the weather and have to reschedule three times. Region 4 is a joint Zone meeting with both zones. I also attended the Zone meeting for Region 4 Zones 1 & 2.

I am working on my cabinet for next year. I will be contacting individuals shortly. I have Zone Chairs for 9 of our 12 Zones I am working on the additional Zone Charis. I will also need a Hearing Chair, District newspaper editor and LCIF chair. I am seeking qualified candidates.

Finally I attended DGE training in St Charles IL the week of 2/11/2019. This was well organized training by LCI.

Conrad Dreyer - 1st VDG

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