Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 10, 2019
2nd VDG Report

I have visited all but 4 clubs. I have two of them scheduled and two still to schedule. Clubs are doing amazing work. The service everyone is doing is truly inspiring, from one on one service of taking someone to doctor’s appointments, to larger projects such as food pantries, and everything in between.

I found myself with unexpected free nights, with the cancellation of zone meetings because of weather. I know the zone chairs were getting information out to the clubs, just waiting to have some time to network. We know we have had scheduling issues, but in E2 they have rescheduled their January cabinet meeting so that it is now in June.

Our clubs are recruiting new members. (Secretaries-please order new member kits. The certificates change yearly.) We need to work on retaining them. The State Convention will offer some seminars that will help recruit and retain.

Remember to get your officer elections in. Officer training is in April. If the day for your region/zone does not work for you, please come to one of the other trainings. Secretaries - we will be converting to MyLion in July for reporting of activities. We hope to have enough information for you in April. At our State Convention, May 18, we will have the program creator of MyLion there to help us through the process. Please make an effort to get there.

See everyone at conventions and officer trainings!

Thank you for allowing me to serve with you,
Lion Tammy Rockenbach
2nd VDG

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