Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 10, 2019
27-D1 District Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order by District Governor John Elvekrog at 3:30p.m. He introduced guests present at the meeting.

State of the State Comments: IPDG and Council Chair Jodi Burmester reported that the financial state of MD27 was on solid ground. Steps are being taken to improve communication between the State Office and the Districts. She remarked that Lions in our District, 27-D1 each served 240 people with our service projects during the past year. But, because the District lost 151 members we were not able to serve over 36,000 people.

Global Action Team: Lion Tara Vraniak (GMT), Lion Mike Keller (GLT), and Lion Bruce Voight (GST) are busy preparing for the Club Quality Initiative session, Office Training in April, and challenging clubs to start new service projects this year. They thanked the clubs for all the good things they do for their communities.

Wisconsin Lions Foundation: President Jo Marson highlighted the project areas for our District. She reported that 182 campers from our District attended the Lions Club this past summer, over 14,000 children had their vision screened in our District, 10 people received hearing aids and our District received over $2,600 from recycled hearing aids. Eyeglass recycling continues to grow each year and the partnership with the prisons is working well. The number of deer hides collected continues to grow, but revenue generated is dependent on the global market.

Restoring Hope Transplant House: We heard a very moving report about a person from Alaska who has been accompanying a friend to Madison for a liver transplant. Their stay in Madison was made better by the way they were received at the house. Unfortunately there isn't a happy ending to their story as the woman who had the transplant passed away. But, the person giving the report hopes to return for a pancreas transplant in a few years and will stay at the house.

State Convention: Convention Chair Lion Missy Dickson gave a short report. The theme is “Ride The Service Tide”. The convention is May 18-19th at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Past International President Wayne Madden will speak and MYLION training will be give.

Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin: Board of Directors President Gary Brummeyer thanked the Lions for all that we do for the Eye Bank. Stacey Troha, Executive Director shared information that last year 1,562 corneas were processed by the Eye Bank and that 52% of those were used in Wisconsin. Tissue not used here went to other areas in the United States and to 30 other countries. She thanked the 550 Lions Clubs in Wisconsin who participate in the transporter program and she had the transporters in attendance at the meeting stand to be recognized.

Nominations for 2019-2020 DG, 1VDG, 2VDG, WLF Director, ID Candidate, District Bowling:

District Governor: Conrad Dreyer, Nominated by 2nd Vice President Dennis Kloepping and seconded by President Sheryl Moreland of the Marshall Lions Club.

1st Vice District Governor: Tammy Rockenbach, Nominated by Secretary Bonnie Jorstad, Edgerton Lions Club and seconded by PDG John Jenson, Madison Central Lions Club.

2nd Vice District Governor: Bill Clausius, Nominated by Past President Ron Wright, Sun Prairie Lions Club and seconded by IPDG Jodi Burmester, Madison Central Lions Club.

WLF Director: Laurie Holthaus, Nominated by Tammy Rockenbach, Oregon/Brooklyn Lions Club and seconded by PDG Eric Holthaus, Monroe Lions Club

International Director Candidate: Jodi Burmester, Nominated by Tammy Rockenbach, Oregon/Brooklyn Lions Club and seconded by 1st Vice President Dale Burmester, Madison Central Lions Club.

District Bowling: Sun Prairie Lions Club, Nominated by Katie of the Sun Prairie Lions Club

After each nomination DG John asked for nominations from the floor 3 times as required the District 27-D1 Constitution and By-Laws.

The Business Meeting was adjourned at 4:25p.m.

Delegate Voting: One Hundred Nineteen Delegates were certified to vote for the nominations for District Offices. Voting was allowed from 4:30 to 5:15p.m. and was done by secret ballot. One Hundred Seven Delegates voted. At the conclusion of voting Election Chair John Jenson, Cabinet Secretary Jim Fletcher, and Cabinet Treasurer counted the ballots and certified the results that the nominees for each position had won their respective position. District Governor John Elvekrog announced the winners at the evening banquet.

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