Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 10, 2019
Global Service Team Report

I have been working on the seminar “How to Adapt Changes in Your Club” for District Convention. I have 4 clubs who will participate on the panel: Cross Plains, Deerfield, Fitchburg and Verona. Each club will discuss changes that have had impacts on their club.

Wisconsin Lions Diabetes Service Challenge update: As of, February 28, 26 clubs have completed 58 Diabetes service projects as we look to increase the 77 projects completed in 2017-18. With Diabetes Alert Day on March 26, the District will hopefully exceed last year's number by the end of March.

To date, service projects in the 5 Focus Areas, Hunger, Vision, Environment, Childhood Cancer and Diabetes, have nearly a 10% increase over last year. Keep up the good work, everyone!

Through February 52 of 58 clubs have completed a service project in at least 1 of the 5 Focus Areas, with 2 clubs completing all 5 and 10 clubs completing 4.

All clubs have been asked to name a Club Service Chair when they select their officers for 2019-2020. Club Service Chair training will be included at the Officer Training Sessions in April.

Respectively summited,
Bruce Voight
27-D1 GST Coordinator

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