Building On Our Success
District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 10, 2019

The date for the eye glass mission to El Salvador has been moved from February to April 7-14 due to conflicts within the El Salvador Lions Club working with us. Lions from that mission will be going to Guatemala after that mission to plan a mission to that country in 2020. This mission will be in conjunction with Minnesota Lions.

Nicaragua and Mexico are still off limits for us for the foreseeable future. The Dominican Republic is being explored at this time for a possible future mission.

South Dakota: An eye glass mission to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota is scheduled for May 20 thru 25. We will be distributing glasses and doing a diabetes screening and children's preschool vision screening. We are working with the Vice Pres. Of the Tribal Council, the School System, Lakota College Leaders and South Dakota Lions as well as Deforest Lion Bob Epps and his wife Mary's Families Working Together Foundation located in Wanblee. Districts around the state have collected and have or will be delivering quilts, clothing, furniture,sewing machines mattresses and numerous other items.

This is the first major effort on behalf of Lions to the Pine Ridge and we are being welcomed with open arms.

Respectfully submitted:
Erling Isely
District Missions Chair

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