District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, August 4, 2019
1st VDG Report Report

June was a month full of officer installations and new member inductions. I visited 5 clubs and installed over a dozen new members. Ok, some of those were not so new members. We now have members with kits and pins. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of these activities.

We are now at the beginning of a new Lions year, and I am looking forward to continuing friendships, but especially to meet the members in Regions 3 and 4. Granted, my own club is in that area, so it will be fun.

Five clubs have me scheduled to visit and the other thirteen clubs have been contacted. Zone meetings will be here soon. Monticello has already asked me to come to a member recruitment event in August. I will also be doing an orientation for Cuba City.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great organization.

Yours in Lionism,
Tammy Rockenbach, 1st VDG

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