District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, August 4, 2019
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report

To: Council of Governors
From: PDG Bob Faliveno
Subj: Restoring Hope Transplant House

With regard to the above subject entity and insofar as RHTH was not approved as a statewide program at the council meeting preceding this past state convention, I am submitting a file containing pertinent information relative to the operation of Restoring Hope Transplant House and being carried by PID Pete Cerniglia and Executive Director Cindy Herbst to the council meeting on July 27th as backup materials to their presentation. I wish to bring to the council's attention that Restoring Hope Transplant House was listed on policy and procedure manual page 46, section 1, paragraph B-2 dated July 1, 2018 as a current State Program. It is the intent of our presentation to provide the sitting council with enough historical and current information to make an informed decision. With that in mind I submit for your consideration the following draft motion.


In light of the fact that Restoring Hope Transplant House was originally started as a project of the Middleton Lions Club and continues to be supported by the Lions Clubs of Wisconsin both monetarily and with active participation from club members with regard to providing physical labor to promote and enhance its daily operations, the information provided today to our sitting council by presentation and backup documentation, the fact it was a cover article in a recent International Lion Magazine, received a $75,000 grant from LCIF in Lions year 2013-2014 for an expansion project to be started in the summer of 2020, is supported by the University of Wisconsin Hospital Transplant Team, a motion be made and seconded that Restoring Hope Transplant House be reinstated as an official “Program” of the Lions of Wisconsin.

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