District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2020
1st VDG Report

Lions Clubs International suffered a great loss when 1st VP Haynes Townsend passed away December 17. According to Constitution and By-Laws the Board of Directors appointed PID Douglas Alexander to complete the 1st VP term. PID Alexander is from Brooklyn, New York and has the skill set necessary to take over. He does stand for election in Singapore for International President. He will need all our votes. PID Alexander is assuming the theme of KINDNESS MATTERS. This topic is so important with everything going on in the world.

I have completed all but one of my club visits. Every club is unique and diverse and I love hearing about all the projects being done to help our communities.

Now I am filling my calendar with Lioness visits. ADC Greg Clark and myself are visiting the clubs and presenting them with the information that they need to make the decision best for them.

Goals are being set with my GAT team for next year. Should be an exciting year with many new faces and ideas.

February 10-14, I will be in St. Charles, Illinois, doing DG-E training. More training will be the first day of International Convention.

If you are interested in being a part of my cabinet, please let me know. I am building the team now. Looking for some new faces and keeping the familiar, to keep Lions fresh.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great organization.

Yours in Lionism,
Tammy Rockenbach, 1st VDG
(608) 438-9572

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