District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2020
District Governor's Report

Membership as of today our membership is -6. We have done a great job attracting new members with 95 new members added. However we still have a retention problem by losing 101 members. Of the 101 members lost 12 are deceased. We would have membership growth if not for the deaths. This is a positive sign and in January we are up three members thus far.

Campaign 100 - thus far we have contributed $19,861 as a district. In 2018-2019 we contributed a total of $36,844. We may be ahead of 2018-2019 this year. Thank you to all clubs that have contributed and those contributing later in the year. Remember to encourage members to donate.

Service - this is our back bone. This is what hold Lions out, helping those in need. In 2018-2019 we served 317,217 (122 per lion member) from 1903 activities. So far this year we have served 187,166 (abourt 72 per member) out of 802 activities serving. This is with only about 66% of our clubs reporting on MyLion. We need to increase useage of MyLion, but considering we were about 100% last year our service is at an excellent level. Even with less clubs reporting we should exceed last years totals. I have personally visited a vast majority of out clubs and I can personally attest our service is excellent we are making a difference in our communities and beyond.

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