District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2020
Global Service Team Report

Since doing the MyLion presentations at each of the October Region meetings, I have contacted the 23 Club Secretaries who had not reported or under reported their service activities as of December 1, 2019. I have spoken with several Secretaries and helped them with problems they were having.

Service reporting is still down internationally but our District is trending upward. While there are still 9 clubs who have not reported activity this year, 84% of District Clubs have reported as compared to 43% internationally and 50% in MD27.

27D1 Service 2019-20 through January 13, 2020.


191 activities   

41,686 people served


186 activities   

21,147 people served


48 activities   

9,081 people served


49 activities   

37,312 people served

Childhood Cancer   

8 activities   

602 people served


316 activities   

76,784 people served

Respectively submitted,
Bruce Voight
27-D1 GST Coordinator

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