District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2020

As noted in the name, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum is about developing your leadership skills. And while, we think in terms of leading meetings etc., leadership is about so much more. You may need help developing partnerships. How many of us have conflict in our lives? Learn how to handle conflict in your personal and Lions life. Can't seem to fit everything in? How about learning how to manage your time rather than letting it manage you? These are some of the topics that the Forum has addressed in the past. This committee is always looking for ways to improve our skills.

Next years Lions Leadership Forum is in Louisville, KY, from September 17-19. Plan to attend!

If you would like more information you can go to the website www.lionsforum.org or see me.

Tammy Rockenbach, 1st VDG
lzrock@charter.net or (608) 438-9572

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