District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 19, 2020
WLF Report

December 14, 2019 Meeting Summary

Lions Pride
President/CEO Wayne Heiman presented a check to WLF President Tal Janowitz for $78,812.12. This is the third disbursement of the year, bringing this year's total to $150,000.00

As Lions Pride moves toward our 2021 goal, an Ad Hoc Committee has been formed to begin to determine what Lions Pride might look like after the May 2021 sunset. Currently the Lions Pride Endowment Fund is at $8.8 million.

Mark your calendars for next year's Lions Pride Sporting Clays Shoot, it will be held at Milford Hills on the 13th of June, 2020.

Birch Sturm
The value of the account as of that date was $5,966,431.00.

Eyeglass Recycling
From July 2019 through December 13, we shipped 59,553 pairs of used eyeglasses to 41 missions. Some of the missions include travels to Honduras, Guatemala, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, South Dakota, and Nicaragua. MN continues to be a huge donator.

The (WI) legislative bill is moving along that will relieve service organizations of liability for projects like eye glass missions is moving along. In the meantime there are reader glasses available in boxes according to strength (ie. 1.0-1.75); contact Liz Shelley. Inviting district committee chairs to this meeting has been positive.

Public Relations
Lions Camp for Kids Raffle update - Tickets are ready for distribution to the Directors. Raffle drawing will take place on September 11, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. in the WLF Office. Birch-Sturm Golf Outing - The Outing will take place on July 18, 2020 at Glacier Wood Golf Course in Iola. Save the Date postcards will be mailed out the middle of January. Deer Hide Collection - Deer hides were coming in. Collection ended on January 10, 2020.

Visitor Days
Reservations will start on Wednesday, January 8, 2020. A copy of the Visitor Day flyer was distributed. There is information on the WLF website about Camp visitations, too.

Diabetes Awareness
Reminder - A variety of information is available. New Materials available are Choosing Healthy Foods for the Holidays, Tips for Eating Right and Tips for Being Active and a two-sided foot care brochure.

Having district committee chairs attend these meetings has been positive. Of special interest is our own Jill Kietzke who is very active from collecting supplies for Holiday Backpacks to federal legislation to becoming a Lifestyle Coach of which she is asking for a pilot program starting in Mt. Horeb.

Clubs need to ask for a Diabetes Patch by contacting Liz Shelley.

Vision Screening
District chairs now attending these meetings, again with positive results. Our Milo Parker has researched getting reduced premiums for PlusOptix devices.

Study to prove/disprove that our equipment is of valid use for children over 6 yoa is continuing…is now prepared to study Green Bay School District (Door County is finished).

Hearing Project
62 applications have been received, 44 approved, 10 self-pay approved, 3 denied, and 5 still pending. 48 hearing aids have been ordered. Starkey still a key player.

Respectfully submitted,
Directors Steve VerKuilen and Laurie Holthaus and Lioness Representative Julie Baglama
P.S. We are very willing to come to any club, zone, or regional meeting and are available for any questions or concerns.

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