District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 15, 2020
District Governor's Report

Membership: Our membership continues to struggle. Membership is made up of two components new members and members lost. We are doing a good job bringing in new members. We have brought in 110 new members. Hoever the negative is we have lost 135 members. This leads us to a negative growth figure of -25. This is something we will need to change. I continue to believe we have a retention problem. We continue to bring in new member but lose them a few years later. We need to identify why we are losing members and do what we can to retain our members.

Service: We are all aware that service is now tracked on MyLion and there have been ongoing issues with the MyLion system. LCI is aware of the issues and they are being worked on. Please continue to bear with us during this transition period. Prior to MyLion we reported through MyLCI. Under MyLCI 100% of our clubs were reporting through MyLCI. Now we have transitioned to MyLion. As with any new system there have been issues but I am glad to report about 70% or our clubs are reporting in MyLion. While I would like to see 100% reporting as with MyLCI, this is a good start. As we get more comfortable with this system I believe our reporting will improve and again approach that 100% level. I would like to thank all clubs using MyLion and encourage all those not using the system to use it.

The more important part of service is those impacted by our service. So far this Lion year we have served about 203,000 people in our district. This compare well with last year and we are current on pace to surpass the number of people served last year, which was 317,000. Great job, Lions, and keep up your service and just think what the number would be if we were back to 100% reporting.

As for service activities have had 952 service activities this Lion year. This compares fairly well to last year where we had 1903 activities, but our activities are down slightly. We are serving more people with less activities as reported in MyLion. I believe we have an increase in activities but they are not reported in MyLION yet. As we increase our reporting in MyLion we will see and increase in our activities.

Campaign 100: I will provide a brief update on the campaign. Currenlty LCIF has raised $145.6 million. Our district has donated an accumalative amount of $103,000 and donations continue to come in. So far this year we have donated $26,401 and more donations are coming in. This compares well to last year. Last year we donated about $37,000 and we are on pace to exceed this figure for our current fiscal year.

There some negatives mostly due to our negative membership numbers but overall I believe we doing an excellent job serving our communities. We are serving more people with less Lions. THank you all for your service.

Conrad Dreyer DG

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