District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 15, 2020
Restoring Hope Transplant House Report

RHTH is operating at capacity. The plan is to start construction on the expansion by June 30, 2020. We have begun discussions on the possibility of starting a virtual club for RHTH. The main goal for this club would be fundraising. Executive Director, Lion Cindy would like to secure a core group of corporate sponsors and create an Endowment fund to hold donations from these sponsors in addition to donations from the general public. The ultimate goal for this fund would be to draw off the interest for daily operational expenses. We will continue to attend the district conventions with a display table and presentations when we are allowed a time slot. Lion Cindy attended a zone meeting in Plainfield and a club meeting in Independence. We continue to forward the periodic newsletters from RHTH to all District Governors throughout the state in order to keep everyone informed and up to date. It is our intent that those newsletters will be forwarded on to the individual club Presidents and Zone Chairs in each of the districts. We want to reiterate that we would like to see a cabinet position created in each of the ten districts-that designee would act as the point person to receive and distribute information relative to RHTH. As of this date we have not heard back from any district regarding these appointments. This would be a tremendous help to Lion Cindy with regard to setting up club and zone meeting visits. As the districts are able to create these positions it is our intent to have those names communicated to Lion Cindy at: restoringhope@tds.net . We thank you so very much for your continued support.

Respectfully Submitted,
PDG Bob Faliveno

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