District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 15, 2020
LCIF Report

Globally, the Campaign 100 has raised $147.2 million for Lions Clubs International Foundation to date. Progress is being made and hope is that we will reach the $300 million goal by the end of July 2021.

The 27-D1 district donation total for this effort is now $104,324. During the current fiscal year, our district clubs have raised $27,507. This trends better than our efforts in the previous fiscal year. We are being helped by individual donations which total $8,121 thus far.

DG Conrad, 1st VDG Tammy and I have all, at our club visits, encouraged clubs to increase their donations to LCIF during this campaign. Even “passing the hat” efforts have raised dollars for the Campaign.

LCIF and Campaign 100 will have a table at our Convention this year.

Bill Clausius
2nd VDG
LCIF District Chair

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