District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 15, 2020
WLF Report

General Information and Public Relations/Resource Development

Audit accomplished; all is good!

The ad hoc committee has met regarding the dissolution of Lioness and policy changes that need to occur.

Lions Camp for Kids Raffle will be September 11th at 1:30 p.m. at the WLF Office. Directors are to be passing out the tickets to their clubs and they must be in by the first week of September.

Birch Sturm Golf Outing will be July 18th; brochures will be mailed out the end of April.

Hustle S'more for Lions Camp will be August 15th.

Deer Hide Collection is finished still waiting for buyer to pick up the remaining hides.

Visitor days at Camp are filling up; sign-up is on-line.

A new logo was approved and new materials ordered when old items are used up.

Lions Pride Endowment Fund

No money donation until March (has to be done quarterly and it is still February). Donations are coming in to

13th Annual Pride Shoot at Milford Hills will be Saturday June 13th. Can register on line.

Property/Camp Operations

Registration is open and ahead of last year; can register on-line. Staff positions are half filled and can apply on-line. New camper open house will be May 10th. Vote was taken to continue Lions Camp!

2020 ad 2021 off-season rentals are being processed ($138,971 so far for this year).

Maintenance is being done, one furnace purchased and installed. Ice buildup due to fluctuating temperatures has been a problem and one roof is in need of repair. Logging is finished and we received $25,000 for timber; crew will return in Spring to do more clean-up.

Vision Screening/Eye Glass Recycling Committee

Since July 2019 we have received 422,396 pairs of glasses. 73,203 have been shipped for 57 different missions. This project was voted to continue.

House Bill 895.508 that will relieve charitable organizations of liability is slowly moving through the process. Please contact your representatives to express support of this.

Districts are doing children vision screening! We were surprised to learn that most Milwaukee schools had never had their children vision screened so they are now busy arranging this.

Device Insurance discussion continues… WLF does not have the staff to organize getting the discount for all clubs. In the meantime we are asking all district vision screening chairs to make a list of all devices in their district by June 1st along with serial numbers so we can discuss realistically.

It was also voted to continue the Vision Screening Project.

Hearing/Diabetes Committee

76 applications were received; 52 were approved, 12 self-pay approved, 5 denied, and 7 are still pending. Since July 1st, 2,764 hearing aids have been sent to Starkey for Salvage Credit. The financial guidelines were updated. It was voted to continue this project.

New Diabetes children books are available. 43 clubs have ordered over 20,000 pieces of materials for Diabetes Alert Day.

If by the end of March 10 Lions go to the International Convention and volunteer to help staff a table the Foundation will apply and pay for the booth.

It was voted to grant $1500 to D1 for the Trollway Community Diabetes Project that Diabetes Chair Jill Kietzke is initiating as a prevention program.

Also this committee voted to recommend the continuance of this committee.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lioness Representative Julie Baglama/Directors Steve VerKuillen and Laurie Holthaus

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