District Cabinet Meeting - Saturday, March 9, 2020
Virtual Events Links Report
Lion Clubs International Virtual Events Center
• Register for upcoming webinars. Listen to past webinar recordings. - https://lionsclubs.org/en/virtual-events-center
Lions Virtual Symposium - A series of events hosted by the North American Membership Initiative's Young Lions Task Force in an effort to use technology to help provide virtual learning experiences for Lions around the world.
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LionsVirtual/ - LIKE the page for registration information
• YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcUG6EBSsGpAw1xAc2FhDaw - SUBSCRIBE to the channel for free & find past Symposium recordings.
• Lions Virtual Universe - Fun and games hosted by Lions for Lions and friends.
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lionsvirtualuniverse/ - LIKE the page and register for specific events.
Global Lions Forum - Lions learning from other Lions
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/lciCyberClubs/ - JOIN the Group to participate & learn from nearly 5,000 Lions from around the globe.