District Cabinet Meeting - Saturday, March 9, 2020
WLF Message
A Message from Your Wisconsin Lions Foundation and Lions Camp
With the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation, we wanted to share with you some actions the Foundation and Camp have been, and will be, taking to protect our campers and staff.
1. Our offices are open via email and phone to provide the services we have always provided along with planning for summer camp. However, our physical facility is currently closed to visitors until further notice.
2. Our summer camp project will not start until June 8. Our two weeks of youth with diabetes has been changed to a virtual camp and so with those two weeks not being used, we've moved our summer camp back. The current schedule can be found at: http://www.wisconsinlionscamp.com/summer-camp/summer-schedule/. The decision to run camp will be a rolling one - we'll look at June weeks in May, July weeks in June and so on. As we make those decisions, we will keep you updated.
3. The camp facility will be closed to all tours, visits, Visitor Day tours, and Lions Clubs meetings this summer. If we are allowed to have campers at camp, we need to protect them from exposure as much as possible. We also want to protect those who wish to visit us. We are working on a virtual tour and some other on-line options. While it's not ideal, we need to keep the health and safety of all in mind.
4. While we understand that many club fundraisers have been cancelled or postponed, we are still operating and appreciate the donations and other funds we have received. There are still many expenses that will need to be covered and while we work on alternative sources of funding, we will continue to need your support to ensure on-going operation of our projects.
5. At this time, the following Foundation fundraisers are still on as scheduled: Kids for Camp Raffle, Birch-Sturm Golf Outing and Hustle S'more. As the dates for the events draw closer, we will make final decisions regarding these events using the best information we have at the time.
5. Please share this email with any club members who do not have access to email. We want to share these updates with as many members as we can during these times.
We will continue to update clubs of major changes via email. For up-to-date changes and information, please check our websites at wlf.info and wisconsinlionscamp.com as well as our Facebook pages. We appreciate all of your support as we move forward in these unknown times to continue fulfilling our mission: Reaching, Touching and Improving Lives.
For questions or more information please contact Evett Hartvig, Executive Director at ehartvig@wlf.info or Andrea Yenter, Camp Director at ayenter@wisconsinlionscamp.com.