District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 13, 2019
Affiliate Lioness District Report

The Lioness clubs are still continuing their service projects and fundraising. They are getting the latest information that I am receiving LCI on the bridge program. A lot of questions have been asked about becoming a branch club. LCI does not offer any reduction in dues to a branch club even if it is a Lioness club.

Also, I asked for clarification from LCI about a married couple living at the same address but in two different clubs, could they be in the Family Dues Plan. I was told that they could not because they are not in the same club. I asked LCI to please review this policy as it is another road block to achieve greater member numbers in the state.

Branch Club vs Lioness Bridge Program


Branch Club

Lioness Bridge Program

Number of members


To form Club


after 20 members must become stand-alone Lions Club 1+

Charter Fee

$300.00 after 20 members

Waived thru 6/30/2021

Entrance Fee






$21.50 thru 6/30/2021

MD (State)


$ 5.25 thru 6/30/2021


$ 6.50

$ 3.25 thru 6/30/2021



$30.00 thru 6/30/2021

Branch club is a arm of the Parent Club all reports must be filed with the parent club monthly. Members of the branch club are voting members of the parent club when they attend the parent club meetings. Branch club members are allowed to be Directors on the board of the Parent club.

As a Branch your name will reflect that until you reach 20 members then you must Charter and pay a Charter fee. $300.00

Small Town Lioness/Lions Branch Club.

Questions on the Lioness Bridge program please feel free to contact me
L/L Greg Clark @ 2goclark@gmail.com

Respectfully submitted by:
Affiliate District Chair Lion/Lioness Greg Clark

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