District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 13, 2019

Call to order - DG Conrad Dreyer
Pledge - 1st VDG Tammy Rockenbach
Words of Wisdom - 2nd VDG Bill Clausius
Approval of minutes
Treasurer Report - Update - Bill Severson
Leo update
Presentation - Lion Sri update on Campaign 100 and Childhood Cancer
Standing Committees
  • GMT Lion Tara Vraniak
  • GMT Lion Mike Keller
  • GST Lion Bruce Voight
  • WI Lions Foundation Lions Laurie Holthaus or Steve Ver Kuilen
  • Restoring Hope Transplant House Lion/PDG Bob Faliveno
  • Written reports below
  • Lion Missions
  • Youth Exchange
  • Diabetes Awareness
  • Hearing
  • Leo
  • PR
  • Sight
  • WLF
  • Eye Bank

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