District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 13, 2019
Diabetes Committee Report

Representatives here in D-1 are looking forward to hearing how the state wants to support diabetes awareness for November Diabetes Awareness Month. We did not meet as a diabetes committee but plan to do so after the board meeting so we have a plan to move forward with building awareness about diabetes.

I have also met with Rep. Mark Pocan and a health care staffer for Sen. Ron Johnson to request political support for the ADA asks, while they were back in the state during their August recess. Both were able to specifically support the legislation.

I highly encourage Diabetes Committee and all Lion's in general to visit the following website to learn how they can become involved in Diabetes Advocacy.

It would be nice to consider how we can build our advocacy efforts across the state. This is a huge opportunity for partnership. In addition to ADA advocacy, JDRF also has advocacy priorities.

As an example, the Lion's (foundation?) provided grant funds to the State of WI for Diabetes Prevention. As a result, I am attending a Diabetes Prevention Health Coach training in October at no charge! I am interested in finding a way to pilot a diabetes prevention class offering to clubs. If anyone would be interested in helping me pursue this please let me know.

Lion Jill
Diabetes Committee Chair, D1

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