District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 13, 2019
USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Report
The 2019 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum was held in Spokane, Washington. Almost 1600 Lions, Lioness and Leos attended the forum. A record number participated in the Diabetes Strides Walk. This year, besides the usual Lions facilitating the seminars, there were several seminars facilitated by others outside of the organization. This brought a new level to the seminars. The level of the seminars continues to grow as the Lions that attend.
I had the opportunity to bring two new Lions with me to the Forum. They have come back with all kinds of new ideas. Afraid that the seminars would be ho-hum seminars, they were impressed with the knowledge exhibited and given throughout the forum.
Next years Lions Leadership Forum is in Louisville, KY, from September 17-19. Plan to attend!
If you would like more information you can go to the website www.lionsforum.org or see me.
Tammy Rockenbach, 1st VDG
lzrock@charter.net or (608) 438-9572
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