District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 13, 2019
Wisconsin Lions Mission Report

Twenty six Wisconsin Lions will be conducting their second eye glass mission on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota the week of October 28th.

We will be working in the villages of Wanblee and Pine Ridge. In the past 8 months we have delivered 9 truck and trailer loads of clothing, furniture, beds, mattresses, blankets and household items to the reservation. At this time the need is for warm winter clothing and blankets. We will be trying to expand the SD mission to other reservations working with SD Lions.

There will be a mission to Guatemala in February. This is a joint effort with Minnesota Lions. Because of political turmoil there will be no missions to Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, or El Salvadore.

Respectfully submitted:
Erling Isely
District Missions Chair

The Wisconsin Missions will be traveling to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota at the end of the month. They are collecting warm outerwear and blankets for the residences. We can kick off this collection by bringing items to the cabinet meeting this Sunday. Lion Erling Isley will be collecting them.

1st VDG Tammy

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