District Cabinet Meeting - Saturday, August 2, 2020
LCIF Report
Hello Lions
As you know, 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone. While we are aware that many Clubs are not meeting or holding fund-raising events, our community and world needs have, if anything, increased.
Thanks to 42 of our Clubs, our District raised $36,884 in donations to Lions Club International Foundation. Internationally, a total of $157,622,199 has been raised as part of Campaign 100. The campaign goal is $300,000,000.
And as a result, Campaign 100 has been extended for another year. Our requests to Clubs and Lions for donations will continue. In order to assist me this year and become the LCIF District Coordinator next year, Lion Dan Marshall from the Stoughton Lions Club has agreed to make club visits and assist clubs in this campaign.
LCIF has addressed the COVID-19 crisis by issuing grants to assist communities. District 27-D1 applied and received the $10,000 grant, thanks to PDG Conrad Dreyer. The funds are intended to help the University of Wisconsin Children's Hospital.
We encourage our Clubs and individual Lions to apply for the new LCIF District and Club Community Impact grant and to continue with their financial support in the next year.
LCIF District Coordinator Bill Clausius
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