District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, March 7, 2021
Pediatric Cancer Initiative Report
On behalf of the children battling cancer and their families we thank Lions and Lioness who donated to the Marshfield Clinic's Healing Place.
Enough funds were raised and the LCIF grant was approved and money transferred to MD27. The project will start soon and hopefully the LIONS HEALING PLACE will be operational by Fall of 2021.
Any additional donations can be sent to MD27 Wisconsin Lions, marked Childhood Cancer Grant and mailed to:
MD27 State Office
3834 County Road A
Rosholt WI 54473
These monies will be used for future approved Pediatric Cancer projects.
Lion SRI Vasudevan the MD27 Chair of Childhood Cancer is the Project manager of this Grant. Lion SRI is available to make a presentation at your club, Cabinet meetings and conventions by contacting him at drsrivasudevan@gmail.com; Cell # (414) 232-7772.
Respectfully submitted by Lioness Julie Baglama 27-D1 Co-Chair
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