District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 11, 2020
Pediatric Cancer Initiative Report (revised on October 25)

Since July of 2017 Lions International has been promoting the Pediatric Cancer Initiative. In Wisconsin we have been seeking LCIF Grants with matching funds from Lions successfully, spearheaded by Lion/Dr SRI Vasudevan who is the MD27 Chair. We have been able to provide a “Flow Cytometers” for both the Medical College of Wisconsin & Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee and the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center in Madison for $200,000 each.

A new proposal was approved by the Council of Governors on October 3 to submit another grant request to LCIF for a $30,000 - revised to $25,000 - matching grant to renovate the small and outdated Solarium at Marshfield Clinic Hospital in Marshfield. This space is where doctors meet with parents to discuss treatments plans (and end of life issues) for their children It also will have enough new space with amenities for children to play there.

This means Wisconsin Lions will need to raise $30,000 (or a good share of it) by January when the application will be reviewed.

Please consider donating funds for this Family & Children friendly LIONS HEALING SPACE. And please do so by January if possible.

Here are frequently asked questions and answers directly from Lion SRI, along with directions on how to donate. His contact information is at the end and he is available to speak to this request:



WHY?  Every TWO minutes in our world a child is diagnosed with cancer. 16.000 children are diagnosed with cancer in the USA each year. The average age of a child with cancer s 6 years old. It is the LEADING cause of death in children in the US. Lions Club International (LCI) at its Centennial meeting in 2017 announced the “Pediatric (Childhood) Cancer Initiative” in July of 2017.

In 2018, the MD27 Lions had a successful matching LCIF grant & provided a “Flow Cytometer’ to the Medical College of Wisconsin & Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee for over $200,000. In 2019, MD27, with another successful LCIF grant we provided the University of Wisconsin’s Carbone Cancer Center with a different “Flow Cytometer” for nearly $200,000. These equipment are providing noteworthy & important advances in research & treatment of Childhood (& adult) cancers.

WHAT?  The MD27 Council of Governors (COG) on 10/3/2020 approved the proposal to submit a grant request to LCIF to “Improve the care of children with cancer (Childhood Cancer) by providing Marshfield Clinic Hospital in Marshfield, Wisconsin the funds to renovate the current outdated “SOLARIUM” where children & families socialize & to create a “Family & Children friendly LIONS HEALING SPACE” for $60,000. This is the room physicians meet with families to discuss treatment & end of life issues. The LCIF grant is for $30,000 and the  MD27 Lions must raise the matching $30,000.

The grant will be reviewed by the LCIF Board in January of 2021 for approval. However, LCIF recommends that MD27 start raising the matching funds before the review by LCIF.

WHERE? The remodeling will be done in the inpatient childhood cancer unit of Marshfield clinic of the outdated SOLARIUM. Additions include: Audiovisual equipment, lighting systems, modern furniture, massage chair, LED projector, window treatments, electronic games, interactive floor tiles, iPad etc. to make it a “friendly area for children & families to socialize” in the “Lions Healing Space”. This space will make the room more engaging for patients & families during their extended stays.

WHEN? The sooner we can get your contributions for the matching amount MD27 Lions need to raise of $30,000 - changed to $25,000, the better. If your club/district have funds in your current budget, you can start donating now. Individual Lions are encouraged to donate, as well. Each club can donate what is possible. You can have a fundraiser specifically for this project. Please donate as soon as possible.

HOW? Council Chair & Lion Geri Schlender, the current Council Chair, is the “Grant Administrator”.

Please send your checks to the MD27 state office, 3834 County road A, Rosholt, WI. 54473. Note in the MEMO part “Childhood Cancer grant”.

Lion SRI Vasudevan the MD27 Chair of Childhood Cancer is the Project manager of this Grant. Lion SRI is available to make presentation at your club/cabinet meetings and conventions by contacting him.

CONTACT: LION SRI Vasudevan  drsrivasudevan@gmail.com;   Cell # (414)-232-7772.

Submitted by Lioness Julie Baglama juliebags2527@gmail.com (608) 516-2527.

At the Cabinet Meeting on October 11, it was decided to encourage individual Lions Clubs to raise the matching grant money.

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