District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 11, 2020
Global Membership Team Report

The Global Action Team has had a busy August and September as we prepared for a variety of zone meetings and region meetings. I was able to attend zone meetings for Region 2, Region 3, and Region 6. R6Z2 was the only in-person meeting in August and it was actually really awesome to head down to Fennimore and see people in person. It was a very positive meeting.

Monthly Membership Reporting continues to be an issue. I believe we had 5 clubs that didn't report membership last month and we were at 7 clubs after several last minute filings in September. The exec team and the GAT team (which includes the zone chairs) have been reminding club officers to file their MMRs -- even if they are not meeting or have no changes to report. If you are reading this report, please check in with your club secretary and club president to ensure they are filing their reports. We could use the extra help to get these numbers down so we have 100 percent reporting.

I attended the U.S./Canada Forum online at the end of September. There were many great sessions and there was a lot of good ideas presented for ways that the GAT team can adjust and improve zone chair training and other sessions that have light bulbs flickering all over my head for ways we can improve the membership chair training we will now be working on to present to club leaders in early December.

We will see you at the Region meetings on Oct. 26-Oct. 28. We have some good presentations planned that will hopefully help clubs figure out more ways to raise funds or serve their communities as we move forward.

Respectfully submitted,
Adam Crowson
District 27-D1 GMT

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