District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 11, 2020
Vision Committee Report

Cabinet Members,

I am reporting that there have been no reported Vision Screening in 27D1 at this time due to the COVID-19 restrictions. We have been working with Plusoptix to present options for vision screening outside if the opportunity arises. A You tube Video with some options was part of Plusoptix presentation at the USA/Canada Forum on September 25-27th.

I have delivered (2) Plusoptix cameras to -
  • Plusoptix S12c - PDG Rob Sherman (608)-838-6751 pdgrobs@gmail.com. McFarland
  • Plusoptix S09 - Lion Tony Sobczak (608)-444-6629 liontony@yahoo.com. Deforest
These Lions have volunteered to house these cameras and assist any requests for use of these cameras. Please contact them with any of your questions or needs for district cameras. The purpose of this move is to help ensure the access of cameras when a club needs them during COVID-19 and until further notice.

There are also district cameras at the following locations -
  • Plusoptix S12c - Lion Lee Rupnow ((608)-778-7257 lrupnow@chorus.net. Lancaster
  • Plusoptix S12c - Lion Milo Parker (608)-527-5724 bluebird49@charter.net. New Glarus

Until the COVID-19 restrictions end and we return to normal, I encourage everyone to stay safe and use good health practices. Keep us informed with any efforts to conduct screenings and report any successes to share with others Lions clubs.

Respectfully submitted,

Lion Milo Parker
Vision Committee

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